FSSAI launch ‘Food-o-copeia’ during the Global Food regulators summit 2023 to boost corporate compliance of food standards

Food-o-copeia foodtechnetwork.in

The Food-‘O’-copoeia is a collection of food category-wise monographs . It is a single point reference for all applicable standards for a specific product category. It will be specifying complete standards, labelling and claim requirements for that product category. Product specific packaging requirements and other regulatory provisions will also be described here.

The monograph would provide the list of methods which has to be followed while analysing the specific food product category. This will contain a total of 16 product category specific monographs . One more monograph which would contain all the general requirements to be met by all the food product categories.

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India lays down science-based standards forarticles of food and regulates their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import,to ensure the availability of safe and wholesome food for human consumption and for matters connected there with or incidental there to. For this, FSSAI notifies individual regulations and amendments to regulations in the Gazette of India. Currently, the standards for various food products/food categories are prescribed under different vertical and horizontal regulations in Food Safety and Standards Regulations. Food-O-Copoeia is an attempt by FSSAI to bring all standards as per FSSRs for each food category at one place as a monograph. These monographs are individually prepared bythe NetSCoFAN lead group of Institutions.

Food- ‘O’-copoeia is a collection of food category-wise monographs which is a single point reference for all applicable standards for a specific product category specifying quality & food safety standards, labelling and claim requirements, specific packaging requirements, test methods and any other regulatory provisions as per FSSRs that needto be adhered to.

In order to bring this list up–to–date, we would appreciate any additional Input you may have. Please address your observations at contact us.

Offical website – https://foodocopoeia.fssai.gov.in/

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