FSSAI forms team to check adulteration of food


Union health and family welfare minister Mansukh Mandaviya has said large-scale testing would be done across the country and action taken against those found guilty

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India has formed a team along with state authorities to crack down on adulteration in the country, Union health and family welfare minister Mansukh Mandaviya has said.

The move comes days after the food regulator announced a nationwide check of milk and dairy products to curb adulteration.

“As we aim to become a developed nation in our Amrit Kaal, it is essential that our citizens are healthy. Swasth Nagrik creates a Swastha Rashtra, which leads to a Samruddha Rashtra,” the minister said at the inauguration of the state-of-the-art National Training Centre for FSSAI in Uttar Pradesh’s Ghaziabad on May 31.

Large-scale testing would be carried out across the country and action would be taken as per Food Safety and Standards (Act 2006) against those found guilty. “There will be no tolerance to food adulteration in the country,” the minister said.

Minister of state for health and family welfare SP Singh Baghel and minister of state for civil aviation, road transport and highways VK Singh were also present on the occasion, a press release said.

FSSAI had the responsibility of setting food standards in the country, Baghel said. The training centre would provide structured instruction, practice, and learning experiences to bridge the gap between existing knowledge or skills and desired knowledge or skills in the field of food safety and standards.

As mandated by the FSS Act 2006 and the Food Safety and Standards Rules, 2011, FSSAI is responsible for providing training to individuals involved in food businesses, including food business operators, employees, food safety officers, and designated officers.

This dedicated center fills the void that previously existed, ensuring the development of a future-ready workforce committed to ensuring the safety standards are upheld.

The FSSAI also launched an e-learning app, Food Safety and Certification (FoSTaC), that contains learning and training modules about food safety guidelines for street vendors.

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  • ShanmugaSundari Manivannan
    June 3, 2023

    The prevention of food adulteration act looks to prevent the adulteration of the food and beverage items to be fit for human consumption, except water and drugs.

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