Three new food products launched at CFTRI – CSIR

CSIR-CFTRI researchers developed the ready mix for idli, fermented and dried instant idli/ dosa batter, and Idli, chutney, sambar in a tray under REPFED (Refrigerated Processed Foods of Extended Durability) technology. This enables the product to be stored under refrigerated conditions in heat and eat format.The products were launched by Union minister for Science and Technology Dr Jitendra Singh during the TechBharat 2022 event held at the CSIR-CFTRI campus.

Cold coffee

Cold coffee is a refreshing drink to suit every taste at any time of the day. It is enriched with the benefits of green coffee extract and it is a combination of powerful antioxidants and caffeine. One can avail the richness of premium coffee, chocolate and vanilla-flavoured cold coffee.

Cut fruits

Minimally processed fruits is a mission-oriented R&D programme of CSIR-CFTRI with industrial partner BigBasket. The process provides convenience, freshness, retains nutrients, microbial safety and extends shelf life 3-5 folds benefiting industries/ enterprises in the long run.

With busy lifestyle and health-conscious consumers, fresh cut fruits would be one of the most demanding sector in food industry, a release said.

Pour-over mini idli

The ready-made idli batter, developed by CSIR-CFTRI, is a popular technology. Later on the Institute developed ready mix for idli, fermented and dried instant idli/ dosa batter and idli, chutney, sambar in a tray under REPFED technology, wherein the product can be stored under refrigerated conditions in heat-and-eat format.

According to CFTRI, this product offers great convenience and is a pour-over product, where idlis with sambar powder are provided. Sambar powder is added to hot water to get sambar and idlis are dipped in this hot sambar to get ready-to-eat idli sambar in 4-5 minutes.

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