Sattvik Council of India honoured the Bhartiya Sabhyata Evam Sanskriti Parva with its Sattvik Verified food

Cultural Evening program of “Bhartiya Sabhyata Evam Sanskriti Parva” was organised by “Draupadi Dream Trust” in association with “India Tourism Development Corporation Ltd” on May 20th, 2022 at The Ashok Hotel, Diplomatic Enclave, Chanakyapuri. The evening was dedicated to celebrating the “Sabhyata Evam Sanskriti Parva with Draupadi Samman Patra” felicitation and release of the book “Ganga: The River of Sanatan Civilization” by the Chief Guest “Shri Ajit Doval” (National Security Advisor).

The “Draupadi Samman Patra” honour is for selected personalities that have contributed towards awareness/research/promotion of heritage, Itihasa and Tourism. The eminent personalities been felicitated include Late General Bipin Rawat for his deep respect for Ganga River, Late Smt. Madhulika Rawat (President of AWWA) for her admiration and active promotion of Devi Draupadi, Padma Vibushan B.B Lal (DG ASI (retd.) for a lifetime Achievement in Archaeology.

Justice Shri Sudhir Agarwal (Judicial member, NGT) for Judicious handling of sensitive cultural matters, Smt Shreejana Rana (President, NICCI, Cultural Tourism) For Promoting Ramayana bharata Tourism, Shri Sanjay Manjul (JDG, ASI< Archaeology) and Shri Ranjeet Chaturvedi (Industrialist, Yamuna Sanskriti) as recognition to Sanskriti ke Ubharte Sitare.

The release of the “Ganga-The River of Sanatan Civilization” was one of the major highlights of the programme. The Chief Guest, Shri Ajit K. Doval shared his insights on the contribution of the river Ganga in Sanatan Sanskriti, Sabhyata evam Itihasa. Apart from this, the two eminent artists associated with Draupadi Dream Trust painted live, and added colours to this prestigious programme.

The special highlight of the programme was the food served to the guest which was Exclusively “Sattvik Verified” emphasising that the food had been processed in compliance with Sattvik Management Standards.

In addition to the above interesting components, a very special sweet “Sheer Kampilya” was also launched to honour the ancient Vedic Itihasa city Kampilya (UP) by the Bikanervala adding value to this exceptional occasion, with active support of Sattvik Council of India. Sattvik Council of India is soon certifying Bikanervala after its landmark certification of “Shri Ramayan Yatra ”.Other contributors in shaping this remarkable program were Cresouls Media and Project Atma Nirbhar, besides several individual social workers actively supported this exquisite programme.

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