Dabur Becomes First Indian FMCG Cloud-Only Enterprise

India’s leading Science-based Ayurveda major Dabur India Limited today announced the successful completion of one of the largest and most complex cloud migrations in the Indian Consumer Goods industry, making Dabur the first Indian FMCG Cloud-Only Enterprise.

As a future-ready enterprise, Dabur’s adoption of a cloud-only approach will significantly improve business resilience and enhance control of the IT landscape, helping the company augment its services for retailers, partners, employees, and consumers. Dabur will benefit from the 360-degree visibility over all its operations while enjoying increased efficiencies, transparency, and agility.

Agility and business innovation are crucial to address the changing market dynamics and consumer expectations. Leveraging the power of the cloud, artificial intelligence and its strong data foundation will transform Dabur into an Intelligent, Sustainable Enterprise, with the ability to innovate new products and services faster and provide superior customer experiences. The move is also in line with Dabur’s commitment to curb carbon emissions and achieve Net Zero by 2045,” Dabur India Limited Global Chief Information Officer Mr. Kaustubh Dabral said.

The creation of a digital core will enable Dabur to access real-time data insights and, in turn, adapt to evolving customer and market demands with agility and speed. Dabur worked with SAP and Microsoft to deliver this transformation in just 10 months with no disruption to business operations. Accenture was the implementation partner; Thoucentric, a Xoriant company, was the Program Management and Governance partner for this digital transformation exercise; and Azure was chosen as the primary cloud platform.

Cloud migration is the enabler to any business transformation today. In today’s disruptive consumer goods industry, navigating unpredictable supply chains, managing ongoing macro-economic volatility, and staying one step ahead of ever-changing customer demands are key to success. Our digital-first approach will empower Dabur to drive innovation faster, exceed the industry’s pace of innovation and grow resiliently,” Dabur International Head of IT Mr. Shailendra Kumar Srivastav said.

The program involves the complete migration of our applications from our On-Prem Data Center onto Microsoft Azure and SAP RISE. The complete set of Non-SAP applications is now hosted on Azure whereas all SAP applications & modules have been hosted on RISE with SAP Cloud platform. With this move Dabur becomes the foremost Indian FMCG enterprise to use emerging technologies such as Open AI for its digital transformation. RISE with SAP provides Dabur with a complete offering of ERP software, industry practices & outcome-driven services.

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