Adulterated Indian Spices: 15 Tonnes Of Fake Masala Seized In Delhi; Wood Dust, Acid Used In Them

The Cyber Cell, Crime Branch received information that some manufacturers in North East Delhi are involved in manufacturing, selling adulterated Indian spices in Delhi-NCR under various brands.

Amid the dark clouds over Indian spice manufacturers by regulators in other countries, the Delhi Police on Sunday May 5, busted fake Indian spice manufacturing units in Karawal Nagar in Delhi.

Two manufacturers and one supplier of spurious Indian spices were arrested. The Delhi Police also seized 2 manufacturing units, machines, tempo and other instruments/articles involved in the crime. Total 15 tonnes of adulterated Indian spices and raw material was also recovered.

The accused were supplying in Delhi/NCR to earn huge profits as per initial investigation.

The Cyber Cell, Crime Branch received information that some manufacturers in North East Delhi are involved in manufacturing, selling adulterated Indian spices in Delhi-NCR under various brands.

A team was deployed on May 1st in Karawal Nagar, Delhi. The team conducted the raid and arrested Dilip Singh who was operating the processing unit and was making adulterated turmeric by using non-edible banned untidy items and acids, oils. Another accused Khurseed Malik was also arrested.

In the inspection, adulterated spices like Haldi powder, Garam Masala powder, Amchoor powder and other raw items i.e. rotten rice, rotten coconuts, Eucalyptus leaves, rotten berries, wood dust, citric acid, chokar, dry chilli heads, colour chemicals, etc. were seized. The raw material used in manufacturing by them, was not edible.

Another processing unit running at Kali Khata Road, Karawal Nagar, Delhi was also raided. Another accused Sarfaraz was arrested who was also involved in manufacturing adulterated spices.

The police have registered a case under appropriate sections of law registered at Crime Branch, Delhi. Team of Cyber Cell, Crime Branch, Delhi has been directed to keep vigil over the manufacturer and suppliers of adulterated edible spices. Further investigation is in progress.

The first accused Dilip Singh was initially manufacturing adulterated spices since 2021 initially with a different partner. To earn profits, he got an idea to make adulterated spices by using untidy material and further sold into different markets like Sadar Bazar, Khari Bawli, Pul Mithaii and to the vendors of weekly bazaar. Since November 2023, he started running the processing unit alone.

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