Adani Wilmar Launches Premium SKUs Of Regional Rice

Adani Wilmar Limited (AWL) has announced the launch of its premium SKUs of regional rice in West Bengal on the occasion of World Food Safety Day. The newly purchased state-of-the-art rice facility is situated in Burdwan, West Bengal and is running at full capacity catering to the demand for regional rice in the entire east zone. The state-of-the-art rice facility will help in catering to premium customer segments across rice and other value-added food businesses

With the addition of varieties like Miniket and Banskathi, Adani Wilmar Limited has emerged as the only national brand offering rice in regional variants which strengthens the leadership position of the company in the food FMCG category. The portfolio of regional rice range for daily consumption by the company includes Fortune Premium Miniket & Banskathi Rice which will be available in 5kg and 10 kg each. In the category for special occasions, Fortune Gobindo Bhog Rice, is a premium rice range and will be introduced to customers in the next 2-3 months. The premium range of rice for special occasions will be available in 1 kg, 5 kg and 10kg. 

The sales department will also focus on extensive promotions through creative and innovative ways to communicate the launch of the regional rice variants through its multiple point-of-sale materials.  

Commenting on the launch, Angshu Mallick, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Adani Wilmar, said: “Adani Wilmar is pleased to announce the launch of regional rice varieties, including Fortune Premium Miniket, Banskathi and Fortune Gobindo Bhog Rice. As a trusted brand, representing the authentic flavors of India, we are delighted to emerge as the first national brand offering variety of regional rice to customers in the entire east zone. With attention to quality, hygiene and value for money, Adani Wilmar is covering new grounds in the FMCG industry.”

Food safety training and certification


  • sanjay sharma
    June 14, 2022

    Dear sir
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