Aashirvaad launches ‘Raho Chaar Kadam Aaage’, in collaboration with Hunar Online Courses & Flipkart

Aashirvaad Atta, India’s packaged atta brand, announced a special initiative ‘Raho Chaar Kadam Aage’. According to the company, this campaign is aimed at enabling homemakers to fulfill their innate need to be accomplished through upskilling and helping them to monetize the acquired skills. ‘Raho Chaar Kadam Aage’ is a celebration of this flagship brand’s 20-year momentous journey in which it has delighted millions of homemakers. In an endeavor to further strengthen its relationship with them, the brand has partnered with Hunar Online Courses, an online learning platform, to provide a range of courses to equip women with contemporary skills and help them embark on their entrepreneurial journey. In addition, Aashirvaad has collaborated with Flipkart, India’s homegrown eCommerce marketplace, to offer women a selling platform once they complete their course. As part of this initiative, Aashirvaad aims to offer courses with a value of over Rs 45 crore and reach over 1,50,000 women.

To participate, homemakers can register themselves by purchasing Aashirvaad Atta’s promotional pack and scanning the QR code or giving a missed call on the number mentioned on the pack. The completion of registration will lead the users to the Aashirvaad WhatsApp bot, designed to offer personalized assistance to consumers and help them opt for a course of their choice from the array of Hunar online courses.

There are over 20 courses available on Hunar that homemakers can choose from, including international cuisines, embroidery, entrepreneurship, baking, chocolate making, and fashion designing, to name a few. Hunar has been engaged to facilitate consumers with end-to-end support in their online courses, including faculty sessions, live sessions, assignment submissions, and certification. To partner and help consumers during their course, Aashirvaad and Hunar will extend 24*7 support through a WhatsApp bot, ensuring that consumers’ queries get addressed in time. To receive the certification, each customer will be required to clear a final exam at the end of their digital course.

Once the customers complete their course, Flipkart’s platform and wide range of networks will help establish their ventures or businesses. Aashirvaad will be an integral part of their entrepreneurial journey, right from intensive hand-holding to onboarding with the e-commerce ecosystem via onboarding trainers, one-on-one training sessions, on-ground workshops, to providing specialized support to help resolve their process roadblocks. Aashirvaad has also launched an ad campaign to promote this initiative.


  • Rekha walia
    October 3, 2022

    Cooking course

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