Godrej Agrovet’s oil palm business vertical will set up an integrated palm oil complex in Khammam district of Telangana with an investment of Rs 300 crore over the next three to four years. It will consist of a crude palm oil mill along with the provision of setting up a refinery in the near future.
The company will also establish a nursery with a capacity of up to seven lakh saplings per year in addition to the seed production and research unit. The state government is targeting to bring oil palm of 20 lakh acres under cultivation across the state. For this sector, Rs 1,000 crore is proposed in the Budget for 2023-24.
Setting off the vision for putting Telangana at the forefront of edible oil production in India, KT Rama Rao, Minister for Industries and Commerce, and Information Technology of Telangana stated that the initiative will improve income for more than five lakh farm households while at the same time contributing to the nation’s deficit for edible oils.The partnership with Godrej Agrovet would spearhead the yellow revolution.
At the complex, Godrej Agrovet will be setting up a seed garden in India, which can provide seeds for the planting on 90,000 acres of area to help the government achieve targets for oil palm plantation, and reduce its dependency on oil palm imports. The company plans to increase cultivation to 1.2 lakh hectares by 2027.
In July this year, Godrej Agrovet allocated 47,000 acres of land in Sangareddy district in Telangana,provided by Telangana’s Department of Agriculture and Cooperation (Horticulture and Sericulture) to expand the cultivation of oil palm and set up processing units.
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