Lead Auditor Training Program on FSMS based on FSSC 22000 Version 5.1 Standard 

This 5- day FSSC 22000 lead auditor training course is a CQI & IRCA accredited training program conducted by CQI & IRCA experienced auditors and tutors, who have relevant experience in auditing and have provided trainings to numerous organizations from diverse industries.

They will share their experiences and knowledge on the standard’s requirements so as to facilitate you while conducting audits. After completing the FSSC 22000 lead auditor training course, you will receive a CQI & IRCA accredited certificate. This course satisfies the training requirements for becoming a CQI-IRCA approved FSSC 22000 auditor.

Why choose the FSSC 22000 and ISO 22000 lead auditor training ?

We can help you:

  • Describe the fundamental purpose of a FSMS as well as the principles, processes and techniques used for the assessment and management of food safety hazards, including the significance of these for FSMS auditors
  • Explain the purpose, content and interrelationship of ISO 22000:2005, the ISO 9000 series, and guidance documents relevant to FSMS
  • Explain the role of an auditor to plan, conduct reports and follow up an FSMS audit in accordance with ISO 19011
  • Interpret the requirements of ISO 22000:2005 (with ISO 15161 as a guide) in the context of an FSMS audit.
  • Understand the key requirements of ISO 22000:2018 food safety management system requirements, sector- specific pre-requisite program (PRPs) requirements (ISO/TS 22002-x-series or other specific PRP standard), FSSC 22000 additional requirements along with an understanding of the key elements of ISO 19011 and ISO/IEC 17021 standards
  • Understand the requirements of  ISO HLS (High Level Structure) with PDCA
  • Plan an audit against set criteria, execute an audit, make report and communicate the findings


The food safety lead auditor training program based on version 5.1 is for:

  • Food safety management representatives / quality professionals / consultants
  • Professionals who have a role to play in the audit of food safety management system
  • Personnel from certification bodies, consultants, technical and quality managers who are interested in learning FSSC requirements
  • Auditors / Lead auditors for other management system.

Examination & Certification

Participants will be assessed throughout the course. 

1.Continuous Evaluation: Punctuality, presentation skills, interactive approach, involvement, role-play, daily tests, etc.

2. Written Examination: (Close book) at the end of the course.

Participants who score a minimum of 70% in the food safety auditor training in both the continuous assessment and written examination will be issued a certificate of achievement, while participants who are unable to achieve the minimum passing score will be issued a certificate of attendance.

Benefits to do with us  ?

EP Infoways will ensure that you start career into auditing industry after completion of this training. We will give you 30+ initial audits in near by locations so that you can get practice of audits. We will also engage you for other audit works , hygiene audits etc so that you can earn extra income in long term.

Mock Audits ?

Our team will give you 3-4  mock audits virtually and help you to get those audit done to get a hands on.

Real Audits as On Job Training ?

Our team will get you minimum 30 audits in next 1 year so that you can practice audits done. Our senior auditors will help you to get these audits done. During these audits you will also get a stipend also for these audits.

Associate with us as Auditors  ?

We will also help you to get audits and other requirements as per need.

Fee of the Program   ?

Fee of the program will be Rs. 25000 + GST = Rs. 29500 only .

Date and Timing ?

This is 5 days training schedule which will be completed within 10,11,12 and 18,19 Feb and Timing will be 9AM – 6 PM

Mode of Training ?

This training will be delivered online via Zoom Platform and WhatsApp group will be created for all the discussion and updates.

🔔👥 WhatsApp Join our groups for regular updates (Jobs, News, Training etc) If you are already in our groups, please don’t join. All Groups are same. & Be aware, we never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

🔬👩‍🎓 Join Food safety Training Programs (Online/Offline)
🖥️ CQI & IRCA certified Lead auditor
🖥️ Food safety Internal Auditor
🖥️ Food safety Level 1 training
🖥️ FSSAI FOSTAC training
🖥️ Internship program


  • Nahmbubi Mohammed Nchupangha
    January 27, 2023

    I do appreciate your efforts to increase my level of knowledge on this particular course.

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