Lead auditor – CQI and IRCA Certified Training Programs

This 5- day FSSC 22000 lead auditor training course is a CQI & IRCA accredited training program conducted by our experienced auditors and tutors, who have relevant experience in auditing and have provided trainings to numerous organizations from diverse industries. They will share their experiences and knowledge on the standard’s requirements so as to facilitate you while conducting audits. After completing the FSSC 22000 lead auditor training course, this course satisfies the training requirements for becoming a CQI-IRCA approved FSMS/FSSC 22000/BRCGS auditor.

1. FSSC 22000 v 6 – Lead Auditor (CQI and IRCA Certified Course)

Training Dates

  • 13 – 17 March, 2024
  • 24 – 28 April 2024
  • 08 – 12 May 2024
  • 26 – 30 June 2024

2. ISO 22000:2018, Food safety Managment System (FSMS) – Lead Auditor (CQI and IRCA Certified Course)

Training Dates

  • 06 – 10 March 2024
  • 24 – 28 April 2024
  • 08 – 12 May 2024
  • 18 – 22 June 2024

3. BRCGS Food (Issue 9) Lead Auditor

Training Dates

  • 17 – 21 April 2024
  • 12 – 16 June 2024

Who should attend?

  • Anyone with the need to audit an organization’s FSSC/FSMS/BRC.
  • Food safety management representatives / quality professionals / consultants
  • Professionals who have a role to play in the audit of food industries.
  • Personnel from certification bodies, consultants, technical and quality managers who are interested in learning FSSC/FSMS/BRC requirements
  • Auditors / Lead auditors for other management system.
  • Delegates who wish to pursue a Career in Third Party Certification.


  • Final examination will be conducted Online by CQI/IRCA.
  • Exam duration: 1 hour 45 minutes 
  • Total number of items/questions: 40 
  • Total marks available: 80 
  • Learners must achieve the minimum pass mark for each domain and an overall score of 40 marks (50%) 
  • Open book exam. Learners will require access to the relevant ISO standards (electronic or paper copy permitted)

Training Details

  • Only 12 seats available per batch
  • CQI and IRCA Certified Courses
  • 5 Days Training Program
  • CQI/IRCA will conduct approx. 2 hours test.
  • Fee – 29,999 + 18% GST = 35,399 (Discount available for group registrations)

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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