FSSC 22000 V. 6 (Food Safety System Certification) – Internal Auditor training

The FSSC 22000 (Food Safety System Certification) is a global food safety certification scheme that incorporates ISO 22000 and sector-specific prerequisite programs (PRPs) for food manufacturers. If you are looking for information on internal auditor training for FSSC 22000 version 6.0, here are some key content areas typically covered in such training programs:

Topic Covered

Introduction to FSSC 22000:
  • Overview of the FSSC 22000 standard and its requirements
  • Understanding the importance of food safety management systems
FSSC 22000 Version 6.0 Changes:
  • Key updates and revisions in FSSC 22000 version 6.0
  • Understanding the new structure and requirements
Interpretation and Implementation of FSSC 22000:
  • Interpreting the standard’s clauses and requirements
  • Applying the standard to real-world scenarios and situations
Internal Audit Principles and Techniques:
  • Introduction to internal auditing and its role in the certification process
  • Internal audit planning, preparation, and execution
  • Techniques for effective auditing, including documentation review and interviews.
Audit Program Development:
  • Establishing an internal audit program for FSSC 22000
  • Defining audit objectives, scope, and criteria
  • Developing audit checklists and schedules
Audit Process and Reporting:
  • Conducting on-site audits, including opening and closing meetings
  • Collecting and analyzing audit evidence
  • Writing clear and concise audit reports
Nonconformities and Corrective Actions:
  • Identifying nonconformities and deviations from FSSC 22000 requirements
  • Determining root causes of nonconformities
  • Developing corrective and preventive actions
Audit Follow-Up and Continual Improvement:
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of corrective actions
  • Monitoring and measuring the performance of the food safety management system
  • Implementing continual improvement initiatives
Audit Practices & Exam

Training Details

FSSC 22000 v 6.0 Internal Auditor (Level 3 Training Program)

  • Date – 24 & 25 Feb, 2024
  • Time – 10 am to 5 pm
  • Fee – 3000/-

Trainer Profile

  • Trainer – Vinita Nalawade
  • Food industries experience: +19 years
  • Consultant for various standards :
    ISO 22000 & FSSC 22000, BRCGS, IFS, ISO 9001, HACCP, FSSAI
    Conducted Gap audits for 250+ food business operators.
  • Member of Quality Council of India
  • Member of AFSTI

Sample of certificate (Please click on apply button)

💻 HACCP Internal Auditor training

💻 Food safety management System ISO22000:2018 Internal auditor training and certification

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