Food Safety Managment System ISO 22000 : 2018 – Internal Auditor Training & Certification


This course will cover all of the clauses and key concepts of Food Safety Managment System ISO 22000 as well as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) and prerequisite programs (PRPs), which are an essential part of food safety and ISO 22000.

This course is meant to be time efficient in that it covers all of the key points that you need to know to operate safely in the food industry. it will give you all the knowledge and tools you need to operate safely and sustainably in the food industry.

What you’ll learn

  • Global Relevance of FSMS ISO 22000:2018: Emphasize its status as an internationally recognized Food Safety Management System (FSMS) standard, crucial for businesses in the food chain to gain global market access and adhere to international food safety regulations effectively.
  • Risk Mitigation with FSMS ISO 22000:2018: Highlight how the standard assists in identifying, evaluating, and mitigating food safety risks throughout the entire food chain, ensuring compliance with FSMS requirements and reducing the potential for foodborne hazards.
  • Comprehensive Approach of FSMS ISO 22000:2018: Showcase how FSMS ISO 22000:2018 covers all aspects of the food chain, from primary production to consumption, offering a comprehensive framework for ensuring food safety and compliance.
  • Enhanced Consumer Trust and Reputation through FSMS ISO 22000:2018: Explain how adherence to FSMS ISO 22000:2018 demonstrates a commitment to implementing effective food safety management systems, thereby building consumer trust and reinforcing the organization’s reputation.
  • Competitive Edge from FSMS ISO 22000:2018 Certification: Highlight how certification in FSMS ISO 22000:2018 provides a competitive advantage, showcasing a dedication to food safety that can attract new partnerships and markets while meeting regulatory requirements.
  • Continuous Improvement Encouraged by FSMS ISO 22000:2018: Emphasize the standard’s focus on continual improvement, illustrating how training can enable organizations to proactively evolve their food safety management systems according to FSMS ISO 22000:2018 standards.
  • FSMS ISO 22000:2018 Implementation Guidance: Explain how the training provides practical guidance on implementing FSMS ISO 22000:2018, including gap analysis, documentation, employee training, and effectively integrating the standard’s requirements into existing processes.
  • Certification Process of FSMS ISO 22000:2018: Clarify the certification process and how the training prepares participants for FSMS ISO 22000:2018 certification audits, aiding organizations in successfully achieving and maintaining the certification.
  • Benefits to Various Stakeholders with FSMS ISO 22000:2018: Illustrate the advantages for businesses (market access, risk reduction), consumers (safer products), and regulatory bodies (compliance with international FSMS standards) stemming from implementing FSMS ISO 22000:2018.
  • Real-world Case Studies on FSMS ISO 22000:2018: Incorporate real-life examples or case studies demonstrating how organizations have benefited from implementing FSMS ISO 22000:2018, highlighting the tangible value of the training in real-world scenarios.

Day 1 (Introduction ISO 22000: 2018 )

  • Introduction to food safety
  • Basics of Food Safety and Food Safety Systems Requirements.
  • Application of preventative measures in the food industry
  • How to implement measures and controls to comply with ISO 22000
  • Fundamentals of Prerequisite Programs (PRPs) and Operational Prerequisite Programs (oPRPs)
  • Applications of HACCP, PRPs, oPRPs and CCPs in Food Safety
  • GMP compliance documentation
  • Certification (how it works, is it worth it, and alternatives)
  • Standards and regulations applicable to the food industry
  • Identifying and preventing specific foodborne hazards and risks
  • Food premises and equipment
  • Cleaning and disinfection
  • Pest Management
  • Supervisory management
  • Legislation and enforcement Exercises
  • ISO 22000 clauses
  • New High-Level Structure (HLS) System Requirements of ISO 22000: 2018
  • Operations Requirements: HACCP and Prerequisites programs
  • Internal Audit, Management Review and Improvement

Day 2 (Internal Auditor and Audit Requirements)

  • Introduction to types of audit and requirements
  •  Attributes, Knowledge and Skills of Auditor
  • Process Approach to Audit
  • Plan, prepare and conduct audit.
  • Post audit activities
  • Audit Exercises
  • Exam

Who can Join?

  • All food handlers
  • All food safety team members
  • Business owners or any person in charge of food premises
  • QA/QC managers
  • Production / manufacturing supervisors and managers
  • HACCP team members
  • Operations personnel and managers
  • Food Science & technology students

Training Details

  • Date – 10 & 11 FEB, 2024 (Saturday & Sunday)
  • Time – 10:00 – 17:00
  • Fee = ₹ 3000/-
  • Study Material & Class recording will be shared to all registered participants.
  • Seats – 40

Trainer Profile

  • Trainer – Raveesh Nambisan K.V
  • Having 15+ years working experience in food industry
  • BRC, Highfield approved Tutor & Lead auditor
  • Conducted 60+ Food safety training & certification programs.

Sample of certificate (Click on APPLY button)

💻 HACCP Internal Auditor training

💻 FSSC 22000 V. 6 (Food Safety System Certification) – Internal Auditor training

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