Free Training on “Extrusion of plant-based food” SERB-Accelerate Vigyan-Training and Skill Internship (VRITIKA)

SERB-Accelerate Vigyan-Training and Skill Internship (VRITIKA) on “Extrusion of plant-based food” Organized by Department of Food Process Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela

Training & Skill Internship (VRITIKA) (supported by SERB under Accelerate Vigyan Scheme)

  • 100% attendance (in physical mode) is mandatory for successful completion of the course.
  • Selected candidates must report at 10 am on January 03, 2024 to start the internship program.
  • No change or extension in date of joining will be considered.
  • Accommodation (as per availability) and catering facilities may be provided.
  • The applicants (if selected) will be eligible for TA reimbursement for their journey (within India) to the host institute from their home town/home institute, both ways, as per GoI norms.
  • After completion of course, students have to submit work report to receive certificate.
  • The applicants should abide by the rules and regulations of the institution and the laboratory protocols.

Last date – 18 Dec 2023

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