Internship, Food Technologist – SACRED FOODS

3 months of unpaid internship in food technology to learn about:

1. NPD concept through process experience

2. Factory trial management

3. Shelf life testing and product evaluation

4. Product quality attribute and specification writing

5. Technical document generation

👉 BRC, HACCP, FSMS ISO 22000:2018, & FSSC 22000V5.1 training program

Breakdown of specific duties for intern:

1. Sample preparation assistance for customer presentations

2. Running factory trials

3. Shelf life and product breakdown assessment

4. Technical document and SOP writing/updates

5. Preparation and sending of samples for external testing

State :- Delhi NCR

Eligibility :-

Final year of graduation in B.TECH FOOD TECHNOLOGY / Passed out

🔔👥 WhatsApp –  Join our groups for regular updates (Jobs, News, Training etc) If you are already in our groups, please don’t join. All Groups are same.

🔬👩‍🎓 Join Food safety Training Programs (Online/Offline)
• FOSTAC Training
• Internal Auditor
• Level 1 Training
• 5G training
• Virtual Internship


  • Varsha
    November 24, 2022


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