Internal Auditor Training – Law and Regulations

Internal Auditor Training – Law and Regulations (Legal Metrology, Food Labelling, Display Regulations, Advertising and Claim regulations for Food Businesses)

EP Infoways Institute of Food Safety and Hygiene is leading organization to provide various Food Safety Trainings and Certifications. It is also registered Training Partner with FOSTAC – FSSAI for Training and Certification for FOSTAC Courses. .

These Courses of Food Hygiene and Safety will help you to recognize your food hygiene responsibilities so that you can act conscientiously and demonstrate to customers that you and your business take food safety seriously. By taking this training, you will develop a strong foundational knowledge of food hygiene practices and food safety law, and show that you strive to follow best practice and are proud to do so – something that will give your customers great confidence in your business.

This course is fully up to date with the latest Indian and International laws, rules and regulations to ensure you feel confident to apply the food safety practices mentioned to your own job role.

As per the law, every food business must ensure that they have effective food safety management system in place by following all the 7 principles of HACCP. It is the responsibility of the workplace managers or supervisors to involve themselves during the planning stage of the HACCP system itself and make sure that workers work safely and comply with food safety standards and principles.

These courses are designed for the Internal Auditor for the company Food Management Systems, especially working on International Standards like ISO22000, FSSC v5, and HACCP etc. The purpose is to train potential internal auditors in the principles and practices of FSMS auditing in a manner compatible of latest guidelines as per the International Standard Available.

Trainees will be aware of current best practices in the audit process as per international standard and encouraged to develop their skills for audit purpose through discussions, analysis, and practical examples.

On completion, trainees should have gained the knowledge and skills required to prepare for and conduct internal audits.

Legal Metrology Act

  • LM (Packaged Commodities Rules), 2011
  • Consumer-based (Institutional, Industrial) legal metrology requirement
  • Specific commodities requirement as per Schedule II of LM.
  • Product name (Generic/ Specific)
  • Condition of writing manufacturing date & expiry date
  • Condition of writing sale price
  • Condition of putting information on stickers
  • Minimal height of numeral
  • How and where to declare information
  • Manner & condition to declare sale price
  • Manner & condition to declare Manufacturer, Marketer, Brand owner, Importer name & address
  • Manner & condition to declare net quantity & statement of units of weight, measures, or number.
  • Provision related to the wholesale dealer and retail dealer
  • Inspection of quantity and error in packages and action to be taken at the premises of manufacturer and packer
  • Establishment of a maximum permissible error on packages
  • Declaration to be made on every wholesale package
  • Restriction on sale of export packages in India
  • Exemption in respect of certain packages
  • Registration of manufacturer, Packers, and importer
  • The penalty of the contravention of Rules
  • Schedule I (Max permissible error)
  • Schedule II (Standard size)
  • Schedule III(Declaration of “ When Packed”)
  • Schedule IV( Product Specific Declaration of weight, measure or number),
  • Schedule V (Manner of sampling)
  • Schedule VI ( Determination of net quantity )
  • Schedule VII (Deferent forms)

General Requirement of Labelling & Display Regulation

  • The Name of Food
  • Nutritional Information
  • Declaration regarding Veg or Non-Veg
  • Declaration regarding Food Additives
  • Declaration of name and Complete address
  • FSSAI logo and License Number
  • Net Quantity, Retail Sale Price, and Consumer Care details
  • Lot/Code/Batch Identification
  • Date Marking
  • Labeling of Imported Foods
  • Country of Origin for Imported Food
  • Instruction of use
  • Declaration regarding Food Allergen
  • Food material sold in but which is not meant for human consumption.
  • Mandatory Declaration of Food Packet
  • Exemptions from certain labeling Requirement
  • Display of information in Food Service Establishment
  • Labelling requirement in Non-Retail Container
  • Labelling of Food Additives when it sold as such
  • Specific Requirement / Restriction on Manner of Labelling


General principles of Advertising and Claims

  • Non-addition claims
  • Health claims
  • Claims related to dietary guidelines or healthy diets.
  • Conditional Claims.
  • Prohibited claims.-
  • Approval of claims.
  • Procedure for approval of claims
  • Redressal of non-compliance.
  • Procedure for redressal of non-compliance
  • SCHEDULE – I Nutrient Content Claim
  • SCHEDULE – II Synonyms which may be used for claims defined in these regulations
  • SCHEDULE – IIA List of Claims for Edible Vegetable Oils
  • SCHEDULE – III Reduction of disease risk claims
  • Health Claims for Fortified Food Articles
  • SCHEDULE – V Use of certain words or phrases

Who should attend ? 

  • Quality and Production Managers
  • Executives and Technocrats of organizations involved in any aspects of the food chain including packaging, food and crop producers, equipment, detergent and sanitizer suppliers, practicing
  • Food Safety Management consultants and auditors,
  • Quality managers and business executives want to grow as Internal Auditor.
  • Students looking to work in Leading Profile for Quality and Management 

Date- 01 & 02 April, 2023

Fee – ₹ 3000

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