Freshers, Jr Analyst Chemical – FICCI FRAC

ficci frac

FICCI Research & Analysis Centre (FRAC) was conceptualised and started to provide analytical services to all the industries; undertake research and development for quality improvement. For over three decades, the FICCI Research and Analysis Centre (FRAC), established in 1989, has served as a cornerstone of excellence in food and beverage testing within India. Operating as a not-for-profit society under the Society Registration Act, FRAC is driven by a singular mission: to safeguard the safety, quality, and integrity of the food consumed by the nation.

A Legacy of Ensuring Safe Food: Unveiling the Excellence of FICCI Research and Analysis Centre (FRAC)

Rooted in a Legacy of Collaboration:

FRAC’s heritage is deeply intertwined with the esteemed Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), the oldest and largest industry association in India. This affiliation allows FRAC to leverage FICCI’s vast network and expertise, fostering collaboration within the food industry and promoting best practices in quality control. This collaborative spirit enables FRAC to stay updated on the evolving needs and challenges of the industry, ensuring its services remain relevant and impactful.

Unwavering Commitment to Accreditation and Standards:

FRAC’s unwavering commitment to quality is demonstrably evident in its impressive array of accreditations. The organization is certified by ISO 9001, signifying its adherence to internationally recognized standards for quality management systems. This ensures systematic processes are in place, guaranteeing consistent and reliable results across all its operations.

Furthermore, FRAC holds accreditations/approvals/certification/recognition from various esteemed bodies:

  • National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL): This accreditation guarantees the accuracy and reliability of FRAC’s testing procedures, ensuring consumers have access to safe and reliable food products.
  • Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI): This approval empowers FRAC to conduct essential food safety testing as per regulatory requirements, upholding the government’s commitment to public health and safety.
  • Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS): This recognition enables FRAC to perform product certification against established Indian standards, ensuring food products meet the designated quality benchmarks.
  • Export Inspection Council (EIC):This approval grants FRAC the authority to conduct testing for products destined for export, facilitating seamless access to international markets for Indian food businesses.
  • Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA): This approval allows FRAC to support the export competitiveness of Indian food products by ensuring they meet international quality standards.
  • Tea Board of India: This approval provides FRAC with specialized expertise in tea quality and safety testing, catering specifically to the needs of the tea industry.

These diverse accreditations/approval/recognition position FRAC as a trusted partner for food and beverage businesses of all sizes. This comprehensive approach ensures compliance with national and international standards, facilitating a smooth transition to global markets and fostering the growth of the Indian food sector.

Unveiling World-Class Infrastructure and Equipment:

FRAC transcends the boundaries of accreditation by embracing cutting-edge technology. The organization boasts
world-class equipment housed within an international-standard infrastructure, allowing it to conduct a comprehensive range of sophisticated analytical tests. This advanced technology ensures highly accurate and reliable results, enabling FRAC to deliver the most dependable service to its diverse clientele.

From state-of-the-art Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS), Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), Inductively Coupled Plasma- mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to advanced Microbiological testing equipment, FRAC possesses the necessary tools to analyse a vast array of food products for potential contaminants, ensuring the highest level of food safety.

Beyond Testing: A Hub for Innovation and Learning:

FRAC’s commitment to food safety extends far beyond mere testing services. The organization operates a dedicated Research & Development (R&D) facility actively involved in product development and innovation. This innovative spirit fosters the creation of safer, healthier, and more sustainable food products for the future. Researchers at FRAC continuously explore novel technologies and methodologies, anticipating future industry trends and consumer preferences.

Furthermore, FRAC is empaneled by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), a testament to its significant contributions to scientific research and product development within the food sector. This recognition underscores FRAC’s commitment to pushing boundaries and driving innovation in the field of food safety.

Jr Analyst Chemical – FICCI FRAC

  • Fresher, 0- 1 Years of experience
  • Btech, Mtech & Bsc, Msc in food technology and chemistry
  • Must have experience in water testing, wet chemical testing, ISO 17025

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