Free – Regulatory Workshop on Labelling compliance as per domestic regulations for MSMEs

ITCFSAN is delighted to announce, Regulatory workshop on Labelling Compliance as per Domestic Regulations.

As labels and advertising are the main links of communication between manufacturers and consumers, these rules and regulations have a consumer-friendly orientation and are certainly aimed at giving sufficient information to the consumers to make informed and healthy choices promoting good eating habits.

This training program is to provide the information required to implement this regulation and to ease the work of professionals working in the MSME for achieving optimal compliance in Label development.

  • Date: 19th December 2022


  • The program is free to attend subject to acceptance of your candidature.
  • Please complete the registration form before 16th December 2022 and await confirmation of participation by 17th December 2022.
  • Only participants with confirmed invitations will be allowed to attend.
  • No. of seats: 50

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