Free International Workshop on Plant Proteins

NIT Rourkela is one of the premier national level institutions for technical education in the country and is funded by the Government of India. Government of India has elevated the Regional Engineering College, Rourkela to a deemed university under the name of National Institute of Technology, Rourkela.

The main objective of the Institute is to produce quality Engineers and Scientists in Graduate and Post-Graduate levels in various branches of Engineering and Science. The Institute is managed by the Board of Governors of National Institute of Technology (Rourkela) Society and vested with significant degree of administrative and financial autonomy. Government of India have recognized the Institute as a premier institution of repute and have developed it as a center of excellence under plan funding. The Institute has been modernized by two foreign collaborative funding agencies i.e. the Material theme in the Materials and Metallurgical Engineering department under Indo-U.K. REC project and the Computer Science and Electronics streams under World Bank cum Swiss Development Corporation IMPACT project.

The campus of the Institute consisting of the Institute buildings, halls of residence and staff colony is situated at the eastern end of Rourkela steel city, beyond Sector-1 over an area of 262 hectares of land provided by the Government of Orissa. It is a residential campus offering accommodation to faculty, staff and students. The campus has all the amenities for developing personal, social and academic skills of the student community.

The city of Rourkela came into prominence in the year 1954-55, with the decision of the Government of India to set up the first Public Sector Steel Plant in this locality in collaboration with the then West Germany. The city is a huge metropolis connected with all parts of the country by railway and road. The population of the city is about 6 lakhs.


‘KARYASHALA’ is aimed to provide hands-on experience to the students primarily from universities, colleges, private academic institutions, and newly established institutes in handling/troubleshooting of high-end scientific instruments and such skill development on themes required for research work.


The program is meant to support motivated PG, PhD and UG 4th-year level students, who are having a strong willingness to get excellence in their scientific and engineering research pursuits. However, the support will not be directly provided to the beneficiaries, but through the Event Organizers applying for and coordinating these events on behalf of SERB.

Course Objective 

Proteins are essential dietary components and have a significant effect on food quality. Proteins may be used to enhance the nutritional, textural and other qualities of food products. In recent years, the development of protein-rich foods has received a lot of attention. Furthermore, plant proteins derived from sources like pulses offer other advantages that appeal to consumers over animal proteins.

Plant proteins have a well-balanced amino acid content and bioavailability and are derived from agricultural crops, which might help to address global nutritional, environmental, and food security problems. But to enhance plant protein utilization and applications basic knowledge about plant proteins is of utmost importance.

Overall, the course will provide comprehensive details about the basic concept of plant protein chemistry, extraction, techniques involved in the analysis of proteins and chemical, functional and structural properties of different proteins.

Different advance thermal and non-thermal processing technologies can affect the structure of proteins, and thus their solubility as well as their functional properties. The course highlights the opportunities and challenges involved with these technologies in relation to protein functionality and structure.

Who can apply

Faculty, Research scholars, PG Scholars, participants from Government, and Industry who are actively engaged in food processing sector. This workshop will be best suited for food & agricultural engineering/science researchers and those who are working in the food and allied industries.

Training for equipment or analysis

  1. Protein analysis
  2. FTIR analysis of protein rich flour
  3. Rheology of protein rich flour
  4. Cold plasma treatment of protein rich flour
  5. Microwave and Ultrasonicator effect on protein extraction

Workshop Outcome

The audience will get the opportunity of interacting with inspiring and successful professionals working in different sectors of the food process industry and academia. This will provide a platform where scientists, scholars, academicians, and business people will also get an opportunity of increasing
their network.

Young students and scholars working or aspiring to work in the industry and academia will get information about what are the different opportunities available and challenges for the future of this field. It will be a collaborative, experiential, and outcome-based teaching and learning experience for the participant through live sessions, discussions and practical demonstrations.

Course Content

  1. Proteins scenario in India: Alternative, major and underutilized plant proteins sources; proteins blending; nutritional status; guidelines by FAO and FSSAI.
  2. Proteins structure: basic concept, properties, estimation of protein.
  3. Proteins extraction and estimation techniques and effect of ultrasonication/ microwave in protein extraction.
  4. Rheology and pasting properties of plant proteins and Characterization of proteins (FTIR/DSC/XRD)
  5. Proteins interaction with other biomolecules and effect of processing on proteins properties.
  6. Enzymatic and chemical modifications of plant proteins
  7. Application of cold plasma treatment on the functionality of protein-based food ingredients
  8. Protein-Based 3D Biofabrication of Biomaterials
  9. Novel plant-based food ingredient development using high-pressure homogenisation technology
  10. Irradiation effects on proteins functionality and applications
  11. Plant based foods (Beverages and meat analogue) and technological challenges.
  12. Proteins functionality in bakery products, regulatory aspects and technological issues

Event Timing: 3rd July 2023 – 7th July 2023
Event Address: NIT Rourkela, Odisha

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