Walk-in-Interview for the posts of Project Associate-I, Project Associate-I (JRF) and Senior Project Associate – CSIR – National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST)

The National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST), Thiruvananthapuram, is a constituent Laboratory of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research(CSIR).

Initially established in 1975 as a CSIR Complex, it was named as the Regional Research Laboratory in 1978 and later renamed as NIIST in 2007.

Its mandate is to conduct research and development activities of the highest quality in areas related to effective utilization of resources of the region and of fundamental importance to the country.

Currently, NIIST is engaged in R & D programmes in areas related to Agro-processing and technology, Chemical Sciences and technology, Materials Science and Technology, Microbial processes & technology, Environmental Technology.

The institute has established state-of-the-art facilities for conducting advanced research in the areas of interest.

Pilot plant facilities for research training and process/product development in the areas of spices and oilseeds have been established.

The institute has also been playing a significant role in Human Resource Development by training post graduate/graduate students, with over 252 Ph.D degrees awarded till date, based on research conducted in the institute.

From a region specific laboratory to a vibrant national institution excelling both in fundamental research and technology development, NIIST’s journey has been a truly remarkable one

The National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST), Thiruvananthapuram (formerly known as the Regional Research Laboratory), has been recognized for its excellent contributions in areas such as spice & oilseeds processing, building materials, premium quality aluminium castings, processing and value addition of clays and minerals, organic photonic materials and environmental monitoring and remediation.

The Institute has been consistently ranked as one of the top performing Institutes in terms of quality and quantity of its research publications.

The evolution of a small regional specific laboratory into a scientifically and technologically vibrant premier national institution with international visibility was achieved in phases by the untiring and dedicated efforts of its leadership and staff.

Project associate- I (JRF)


B.Tech in Agriculture Engineering from a recognized University or Equivalent. and UGC-CSIR-NET including Lectureship or GATE.
Master’s Degree in Food Science and Technology, Food Science and Nutrition, Food Technology and Quality Assurance, and Food Engineering, from a recognized University or Equivalent. and UGC-
CSIR-NET including Lectureship or GATE.

  • Monthly Stipend- Rs.37,000/-+ 18% HRA.
  • Date of Interview – 03-09-2024
  • Post – 1

Project Associate-I

Master’s Degree in Biotechnology /Food Science / Food Technology from a recognized University or Equivalent.
Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering /Technology in Food Engineering /Food Technology / Chemical Engineering / Food Process Engineering from a recognized University or Equivalent.

  • Monthly Stipend- Rs.25,000/-+ 18% HRA.
  • Date of Interview – 04-09-2024
  • Post – 1

Mode of selection

Interested eligible candidates should report at CSIR-NIIST, Pappanamcode, Thiruvananthapuram at 09.00 AM, on
the dates mentioned assign each post code. Candidates reaching after 09.30 AM will not be entertained. Only those whose  final results have been declared as on the date of walk in interview will be eligible.

How to apply

The prescribed application form provided below may be downloaded and all requisite information has be filled in. The filled in signed application along with photo pasted has to be submitted at the time of Walk-in-Interview.
The application form should be accompanied by SELF ATTESTED COPIES of testimonial / certificate in support of age, educational qualification, experience and caste mentioned in the application.


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