Training / Internship at Gunvatta Gurukul – Quality Council of India (QCI) 


Gunvatta Gurukul is a skill development initiative by Quality Council of India (QCI). 

Quality Council of India is launching a comprehensive 8-week classroom training program aimed at building a cadre of young professionals who are passionate to serve the nation in the Kartavya Kaal to fulfill the vision of ‘Developed India 2047’.

This program is meant for individuals aspiring to be an integral part of Nation building by enhancing the skills required for successful engagement with Govt. bodies.

Duration: 8 weeks – 1st batch starting in September 2023

Location: New Delhi

Eligibility Criteria: Recent Graduates (from any field of study) OR Young professionals with 0-2 years of experience (minimum qualification: graduation)

Selection process:

  • Step 1 – Preliminary Screening Test (link at the end)
  • Step 2 – Interview
  • Step 3 – Personality Screening via test and interview
  • Top 100 candidates will be selected for the Gunvatta Gurukul program
  • Only the candidates who get shortlisted in the preliminary screening test will be contacted for the next round of interviews, latest by 14th August 2023
  • Please ensure to share your updated contact details for communication in the entire process

Important Dates:

  • Applications open – 24/07/2023
  • Applications close – 07/08/2023

The selection process will begin in the first week of August’23

Course Modules: There would be multiple modules covering topics on Research & data analysis, understanding of government structure, public policy framework, soft skills, etc.


  1. Knowledge of the Government ecosystem
  2. Understanding of framework in the public policy domain
  3. Experiential learning through case studies

3.     Potential Employability with QCI/Associated Bodies

4.    Stipend: INR 15K p.m.

5.    Certificate of Participation

Important details:-

  • Please note QCI shall not be providing any relocation/travel/accommodation allowance
  • Only selected candidates will be contacted for further rounds of interviews
  • Stipend & Certificate subject to selection for the training program & its completion
  • This link will expire on 07/08/2023

Please keep your Resumé and Aadhar card ready in pdf form (each doc. not exceeding 1 MB) before starting your application process.

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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