For freshers, Training and placement officer – Kandhari Beverages Private Limited

Kandhari Beverages a leading Bottler for Hindustan Coca Cola with its manufacturing units in Samba, J & K. Saha, Ambala. Fathergar Sahib, Punjab, Baddi, HP.

We are a Rainbow of Beverages

Manufacturing India’s favourite beverages since 1997. A top draw FMCG company that stands on the podium because it’s led by people who inspire the extraordinary.

Our goal is to align business interests with the interests of the communities where we operate, and to make a difference in areas where we are most qualified, credible and capable.

Our objective is to grow our business, while making a lasting positive difference in the communities we serve. HCCB has been undertaking community initiatives, focusing on sectors such as education, women empowerment, environment preservation, rain water harvesting, plastic recycling, active and healthy living, skill development and inclusive economic growth.

Training and placement officer

  • Qualifications – Food technology, microbiology
  • Experience – Freshers
  • Location – Samba

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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🖥 Food Safety Training programs

📈 Food Entrepreneurs & Startups (Our services)


  • manju rani
    June 16, 2023

    as a Msc food science and technology student looking for a job in quality assurance .

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