Production Officer – Unclejohn Ice Creams

Company profile

Uncle John ice cream is one of the largest selling and manufactures of ice cream in South India. We offer all flavors of ice cream which is available in the country under the brand name of UNCLE JOHN & SKEI . Our manufacturing units are located all over south India having manpower strength around 1300 employees.

Duties & Responsibilities

In charge of day to day production activities at factories.

Arranging manpower for day to day production.

Ensure all raw materials are ready for daily production as per production plan.

Controlling & monitoring production supervisor working at factory.

Ensure the quality & quantity of all products produced at factory.

Preparation of production chart on daily and send the production report to Head office on daily basis.

Ensure daily cleaning of production machines before and after production.

Qualification & Experience

Graduate / Post graduate in Food Science / Food Technology with 5-8 years of experience in Food Industry preferably on Ice Cream Production.

Skill requirements

  1. Should have good knowledge in FSSAI standards.
  2. Ability to lead and manage staff.
  3. Should know the implementation of HACCP at production level
  4. Good knowledge in production techniques.
  5. Ability to work independently and handle multiple projects.
  6. Good in communication skill.

Location – Kerala & Tamilnadu

Salary – As per industry standard

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