QA Executive & Asst Manager – Olive Lifesciences

About us


  • Cutting Edge Innovative Delivery Systems
  • Improve processing Efficiency
  • Improving Stability
  • Improving Turnaround Time
  • Exceeding Expectations
  • Cold Water Soluble 
  • Cold Water Dispersible
  • Innovative Beverages

custom formulations

  • Custom Extract Combinations
  • Varied Release profiles
  • Maximum Bio-Availability
  • Maximum Product Efficacy
  • Custom applications for health and food
  • Taste and Texture applications

Serving You over a decade

Olive Lifesciences has developed the most remarkable, innovative and superior herbal/nutraceutical ingredients. The commitment to science and quality control has earned its recognition within a short period as a trusted supplier of ingredients of the highest quality. The company strives to achieve excellence through proactively addressing customer needs and requirements.  The company is known for Marigold Extracts , Lutein, Lutein Ester , Zeaxanthin and Meso Zeaxanthin.

Committed to Social Responsibilities

As a part of corporate social responsibility, we at Olive Lifesciences has started a program called the “Green Initiative”.  Olive Lifescieces always cares for the mother nature and with this initiative, we are involving each and every human being  directly or indirectly in saving our planet.

We enter into a direct buy back agreement with farmers to ensure better returns to them, without  the intervention of middle man or an agent. We do this by advancing money to the farmers right from the onset of the agreement and also disburse payments at periodic intervals to take care of all their needs.

We provide the farmers with high quality seeds, bio fertilizers and bio pesticides in addition to educating them about Good Agricultural Practices. This ensures optimum yield from the agricultural land henceforth increasing the farmer’s earnings.

Our agreement with the farmers assures them a fixed income, thereby bringing greater stability in their income levels. We encourage the use of bio pesticides and bio fertilizers to ensure that the soil integrity is preserved for sustainable farming operations.

This in turn ensures that during the period of inactivity, where the farmers are unable to cultivate his land due to indiscriminate usage of chemical pesticides is avoided, thereby, safeguarding the interest of the farmer.

Better remuneration and assured incomes have directly resulted in the overall improvement in the quality of life of the farmers and their families too. Their children are able to attend school regularly and all their health related requirements are being taken care.

We conduct medical camps for the farmers and their families, in addition to their routine illness being treated. They are also given basic knowledge about  cleanliness, hygiene and other preventive methods.

Manufacturing facility

Our manufacturing facilities are well equipped with the latest production and drying machinery. These facilities are equipped with various extractors including continuous extraction plant. The company is positioned to offer its clients end-to-end high-quality products with optimized production practices.

We have an installed capacity to process 400 Metric Tonnes of material per month in our continuous extraction facility and the batch extraction facility has the capacity to process 100 Metric Tonnes per month. The entire manufacturing process is supervised and monitored by a team of highly qualified professionals with hands-on experience in the specialized herbal extracts domain to ensure products of consistent quality, batch after batch within the assigned time schedules.

Looking for following position:

  • IPQA Executives (Herbal/ Nutraceuticals)
    • Opening – 6 Nos. (Bangalore)
    • B. Pharma/ MSc, with 2-3 years of Experience in Herbal Industry for extraction/ formulation.
  • IPQA Executives (Foods)
    • Opening – 2 Nos. (Bangalore)
    • B Tech Food/ MSc, with 2-3 years experience in Food Industry, Fruit Beverage/ Protein Bar etc.
  • Asst. Manager, Food
    • Opening – 1 No (Bangalore)
    • B. Tech Food/ MSc, with 5-7 years of experience in Cereals Breakfast/ Spice/ Bakery/ Dairy
  • Asst. Manager SQA (Supplier Quality Assurance)
    • 1 No. (North India)
    • B Pharma/ MSc Chemistry, with 5-7 years of experience in Herbal Industry/ Knowledge of national and export country specific guideline.

Please do send your updated CV.

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🔬👩‍🎓 Join Food safety Training Programs (Online/Offline)
• FOSTAC Training
• Internal Auditor
• Level 1 Training
• 5G training
• Virtual Internship

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