Product Development & Applications Executive – Arboreal Bioinnovations

Job Opportunity – Product Development & Applications Executive

Location – Lucknow

Opportunity to work in the Innovation & product development team at Arboreal Bioinnovations, Lucknow.

This group primarily focuses on gaining internal and external technology expertise in applications of stevia-based sweetener.  The successful candidate will delve deep in applications of stevia/ sweeteners in various food categories at a global scale.  

This position will provide direction, technical excellence, project management and execution to the projects across the Sweetness Application space.

What do we expect from you?

  • 4 years of proven experience in food formulations and processes
  • Bachelors/Masters degree in Food Science or Food technology. 
  • Able to understand the basics and use of sensory data; knowledgeable about sensory science techniques
  • Good understanding of FSSAI, codex alimentarius will be an advantage.
  • Good communication skills and ability to work in a cross functional and cross regional team.
  • Possess strategic and analytical skills

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🔬👩‍🎓 Join Food safety Training Programs (Online/Offline)
• FOSTAC Training
• Internal Auditor
• Level 1 Training
• 5G training
• Virtual Internship

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