Manager -Technical Sale, BMG chemicals

About the job
Manager -Technical Sale for Food Ingredient Nutraceutical ingredient , vitamins, flavour
following profile.

Duties & Responsibilities:

  1. To focus on all customers and to provide commercial and technical support for the food , Beverage , Dairy industry for marketing ingredient
  2. To make technical product promotion on the digital marketing platform & Visit customer
  3. To have good networking skills at senior level contacts with leading food , beverage , bakery & Nutraceutical manufacturing co’s.
  4. Co-ordination with suppliers and customers.
  5. Responsible for the development of new business for food ingredient , beverage ingredient ,and product promotion.
  6. Identification of potential customers through personal contacts/website/marketing intelligence/ exhibition / seminar .
  7. Co-ordinate for various event / technical seminars for business promotion.
  8. Prepare technical literature and dossier for Nutraceutical ingredient food ingredient , Flavour .
  9. prepare presentation , clinical data analysis for health food nutraceutical ingredient .
  10. Interests in Digital Marketing , social media marketing & Travelling
  11. online promotion through webinar / group meeting / online exhibition .
  12. coordinate with University , R & D lab , NPD center for food ingredient , Dairy ingredient , Nutraceutical ingredient product development.
    13 . Knowledge of FSSAI – India and FDA.

Qalification required -. M.Sc – Food Technologists , B. tech food technologist / M.Sc. Nutraceutical / B TECH – Dairy Technologist Nutraceutical

Candidate need to have good knowledge in FOOD INGREDIENT / FLAVOUR / COLOUR ,/ Dairy ingredient , Nutraceutical ingredient application NPD & marketing

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