RD&A Scientist – Beverage, Kerry

Kerry offers the industry’s largest portfolio of Taste & Nutrition Systems and Functional Ingredients & Actives, serving the Global Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical industries. We work with the world’s top Retailers and Manufacturing companies to produce some of the best private-label products and tailored Food & Beverage solutions on the market. We also work with the leading Food Service chains helping to deliver appetising, relevant and innovative custom solutions, using our expertise in new product development, production and commercialisation.

Our Values:      Courage | Enterprising Spirit | Inclusiveness | Open-mindedness | Ownership

About Kerry

Kerry is the world’s leading taste and nutrition company for the food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries. Every day we partner with customers to create healthier, tastier and more sustainable products that are consumed by billions of people across the world. Our vision is to be our customers’ most valued partner, creating a world of sustainable nutrition. A career with Kerry offers you an opportunity to shape the future of food while providing you opportunities to explore and grow in a truly global environment.

About the role

Location: Bangalore
Reporting To: Technical Head of Beverage & Dairy

The position involves development, application, and creation of innovative solutions for

  • Beverages – Carbonated, still, dairy, non-alcoholic and alcoholic 
  • Ice creams, frozen desserts, and sorbet
  • Syrups and sauces
  • Powdered mixes for beverage and other EUMs

Create winning taste and functional food systems as per customer brief.Deliver within constraints of time, taste, functionality, nutrition, and cost.

Work with a wide set of stakeholders –

Internal – RDA, RA, Quality, Supply chain, finance, Plant teams, customer care, Procurement and KAM and
External – Customer, processor, manufacturing partners, consultants and customer representatives, supply partners etc.

Key responsibilities

  • Be abreast of manufacturing capabilities at Kerry and customers while creation of solution.
  • Create points of differentiation and firewalls in the recipe and process for future proofing
  • Run and trouble shoot issues at plant level for Kerry as well as the customers
  • Protect and grow Kerry technologies that can be deployed horizontally across regions and EUMs
  • Benchmarking of customer products, Kerry competition products and processes
  • Build & grow relationships with key customers via visits, trials and trouble shooting
  • Scale up the recipes at plant level by attending and successfully clearing first commercial batches
  • Plan and execute Profitability improvement plans across areas of influence
  • Use the Kerry know- how across areas of influence and improve on it
  • Acquire and grow knowledge base at Kerry by taking keen interest in self and peer development
  • Be responsible for training, guidance, and mentoring people in the team – direct and matrix 
  • Demonstrated capability of launching products across Beverage/Dairy/Syrups and/or functional food systems
  • Vigilant of market trends, customer needs and process technologies
  • Proven capability to independently lead and contribute to scale up at customer’s end
  • Capable to handle multiple stakeholders internal and external
  • A self- starter with ability to work herself/himself without support in lab
  • It is a customer facing role hence will need lot of interpersonal rapport building skills
  • Project management, time management and self-organization
  • Capable to judge sensory aspects of all food formats, take decision based on sensory
  • Team player with can do attitude, work across geographies and matrix structure

Qualifications and skills

B. Tech (food/dairy technology)/M. Sc. with 10 years’ experience Or M. Tech (food/dairy technology) with 8 years’ experience

Kerry is an Equal Opportunities Employer.  Consistent with our policy of providing equality of opportunity for all, we are required to seek particular information from applicants.  As part of your application you will be asked to answer a short number of questions.  This information will be held separate to your application and treated in the strictest of confidence. 

Beware of scams online or from individuals claiming to represent us. A Kerry employee will not solicit candidates through a non-Kerry email address or phone number. In addition, Kerry does not currently utilise video chat rooms (e.g., Google Hangouts) to conduct interviews. Refuse any request that asks you to provide payment to participate in the hiring process (e.g., purchasing a “starter kit,” investing in training, or something similar). Kerry will not ask you to pay any money at any point in the hiring process with the exception of reimbursable travel expenses. In addition, any payments made by Kerry will be from official firm accounts bearing the Kerry name. 

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