Head Of Research And Development – Samyog Health Foods Pvt.Ltd.

Samyog Foods makes high protein plant based snacks. The goal of the company is to help people get healthier by snacking on the dishes they love and getting the nutrition they need. We’ve launched our first brand, Prolicious in 2020. Prolicious makes snacks with over 20% protein to help people snack guilt free.

About the job

Samyog Health Foods is a start-up in the plant protein space.

We have a range of healthy, high protein foods in the FMCG space under the brand Prolicious.. The range primarily caters to the protein deficiency which is prevalent in India. Currently, we have Khakhras and breakfast mixes, and will shortly be adding a wide range of food products in different segments. We help people get healthier by snacking on the foods they love, and getting the nutrition they need.

We are researching on the plant-based meat and dairy alternatives, to create sustainable diets for the future. We have a well-equipped, world-class R&D setup to make products at pilot-scale.

Diversity and inclusion are one of our core values, and we aim to provide equal opportunities to all our employees and applicants. We are currently seeking a dynamic head of R&D, to lead a team of talented youngsters, and will be responsible for levering strong innovation, project leadership, and technical problem-solving skills.

Key Duties

  • Work as part of cross functional team to deliver new product development projects, with emphasis on meeting the desired consumer experience
  • R&D project portfolio includes projects related to nutrition improvement, use of advantaged ingredients, and efficient processes
  • Spearheading day-to-day product development & research activities, and resolving procedural problems for timely completion of project objectives. Compliance to the FSSAI and international guidelines
  • Assist in transfer of R&D Technology to the Manufacturing plant; in accordance with good manufacturing practice and HACCP requirements
  • Confer with process engineers, plant operators, flavour experts, and packaging and marketing specialists in order to resolve problems in product development
  • Identify issues and form hypothesis, thereby formulate and implement recommendations/solutions to enhance operational efficiency
  • Drafting research proposals for collaboration with approved labs/Research Institutes, for outsourcing projects technical and strategic needs
  • Work in close co-ordination with the Quality team for maintaining overall quality of the finished goods
  • Drafting SOP’s for overall smooth functioning of the Department, and initiating steps to see timely implementation of the same
  • Supervising responsibilities of Team

Skills & Requirements

Minimum Qualification:

  • Ph.D. Food Technology/ Food Science from a reputed institute (ICT, CFTRI , NIFTEM)
  • Minimum 3 – 5 years of experience in product development

Preferred Major Area of Study

  • Functionality of proteins
  • Food Engineering with knowledge in formulation development/role of ingredients
  • Extruded Products
  • Enzymes
  • Fermentation Technology
  • A genuine interest in science and how it is applied to food and related applications
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills
  • Self-motivated with a result – driven approach
  • Strong analytical and numerical skills

SFM training(Click here)

1. Legal Metrology Packaged Commodities

2. Labeling & Display +Health Claims

3. Organic Food processing Export & Import

4. Fruits and Vegetable processing

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