Nitish Kumar inaugurates biscuit production unit of Britannia in Patna

The biscuit plant, which cost over Rs 250 crore to build, is the second unit of Britannia in the state

Nitish Kumar, Bihar Chief Minister inaugurated a biscuit production unit of Britannia Industries Limited at Bihta in Patna district. The unit has a production capacity of 70,000 tonnes.

The second unit of Britannia Industries Limited has been inaugurated in Bihar by Nitish Kumar. The biscuit plant, which cost over Rs 250 crore to build, is the second unit of Britannia in the state, after the one that was inaugurated in Hajipur in 2011.

Nitish, who was accompanied by Varun Berry, vice-chairman and managing director of Britannia Industries Limited, expressed his satisfaction with the production process at the plant. The new unit is expected to provide job opportunities for around a thousand people in the state.

The inauguration of the Britannia Biscuit Factory in Bihar marks a significant investment in the state’s industrial infrastructure, promising economic growth and employment opportunities for its residents. The local workforce and the overall economic landscape of Bihar are expected to be positively impacted by this development.

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