Free Webinar on Food Import Clearance System, FSSAI – ITCFSAN

Greetings from ITCFSAN!
ITCFSAN is delighted to announce,
Online Webinar on Guidance on Food Import Clearance System.

Join this interactive webinar to understand the procedure for fastest clearance of product. Gain insights from regulatory experts and Do’s and Don’ts about the procedure for fast clearance.

About US

ITC-FSAN is a unique training facility that is a testimony for an international collaborative effort exemplifying the importance of partnerships and collaborations. The centre is established through an alliance between food regulatory bodies of India – viz., Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) and Export Inspection Council (EIC) – and Global Food Safety Partnership (GFSP), an initiative of the World Bank. The alliance marks the coming together of prominent stakeholders with a purpose to ensure global safety and nutritional quality of food in the supply chain.

ITCFSAN, the vision and mission statement

ITC-FSAN envisions to become a leading centre of global excellence in human capacity building on food safety and applied nutrition.

ITC-FSAN is dedicated to create, promote and foster individual and organizational effectiveness by developing and offering an array of innovative and diverse programs in support of the stakeholder development, partnerships, and organizational enrichment

Program Objective

• Understand the process of product categorization in the FICS system.
• Learn the regulatory details associated with the operation of the portal.
• Gain insights from regulatory experts Do’s and Don’ts about the Procedure for fast clearance.


Ms. Akshada Bane, TO, FSSAI WR

  • Date: 04th July 2023
  • Time: 11.00-12.00 hrs


Registration Open : MSME Govt. of India Training, Food Processing: Entrepreneurship Development Program – foodtechnetwork

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