Executive/Sr Executive Quality – Perfetti Van Melle

Perfetti Van Melle, one of the world’s largest confectionery organization, with brands like Chupa Chups, Alpenliebe, Mentos, Happydent, Center Fresh is looking for a passionate and experienced Executive/Sr Executive Quality, Rudrapur.

Roles and Responsibilities:-

Shall be responsible for ensuring product manufacture in shifts is done as per defined PVM and regulatory guidelines by ensuring

  1. In process control and Finished goods parameters are being met
  2. Standard operating procedures are in place
  3. Good Manufacturing practices are in place


1. Ensure RM/PM Acceptance report, QA audits

2. Ensure the conditions of safe food manufacture are maintained through strict adherence of Food Safety Standards requirement and conducting frequent food safety audits GMP audit Report, Food Safety Certification

3. Ensure any Gaps observed for food safety compliance are closed timely and reviewed for effectiveness % NC closure compliance

4. Ensure plant warehouses and extension warehouses are meeting food safety requirement and necessary practices for ensuring product safety are met and corrective actions are taken timely for closures GWP audits and %NC closure

5. Ensure all regulatory requirement as mandated by FSSAI and Weights and measures are followed during product manufacture and ensure all the products are analyzed as per defined frequencies. Regulatory compliance

6. Standardize the testing methods and ensure the methods are reliable and meet the global requirements /regulatory requirements Regulatory Compliance

7. To work with global teams in upgrade of testing methodologies and infrastructure

8. Ensure all food handlers are aware about GMP and GWP through conduction of regular training programmes and awareness sessions Training Manhours and effectiveness


Atleast 5 yrs of work experience in Food Industry and has experience in developing procedures and policies.


A Bachelor/Master degree in Food Science, Food Technology

Must Have :

Knowledge on Food Safety Management Systems and Quality Management Systems.

Knowledge of Indian Regulatory Laws specific to labelling and Weights and Measures

Knowledge of analytical testing and aware about basic tests being carried out in RM and PM


Knowledge of ISO 17025 and FSSC 22000

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

📲 Foodtech Network WhatsApp Jobs Group
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🖥 Food Safety Training programs
🔗 https://bit.ly/3fbjKRz

📈 Food Entrepreneurs & Startups (Our services)
🔗 https://bit.ly/3JDyPIN

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