DRDO DFRL, Indian Millets Recipe Formulation Contest

About us

Defence Food Research Laboratory (DFRL) is researching various aspects of food science and technologies such as the development of convenience foods, preservation of foods, nutritional and biochemical evaluation, food safety, food packaging.


To be a technological leader of excellence in food research and product development.


Design, develop and evaluate; safe, nutritious and convenience food to meet the needs of Services and spin off to civil application

About the Contest

DRDO-DFRL, Mysore invites you to participate in the “Recipe Formulation Contest using Major Indian Millets” to mark the celebration of International Year of Millets-2023 and come out with innovative yet traditional recipes. Winners will be awarded suitably.


Participant should be a graduate/ post graduate student of a recognized college/ university and should be an Indian national.


  • The theme for the competition is Traditional millet recipes with modern blend using major millets such as Pearl millet, Finger millet and Sorghum.
  • Categories of Products: Bakery Items, Snacks (Savory items, Bars), Beverages, Ready to- Cook, Convenience Mixes.
  • Participants are welcome to develop innovative and creative dishes, which can find its application for defence sector. The dishes prepared could be converted to convenience food form, which maybe useful for hot and cold environments, or could be in ready- to- eat or ready-to cook form.

Contest Rules

  • Each team (2-3 members) has to register on the registration link.
  • The participants have to send their recipes via email along with a short video of recipe preparation and photos of the product.
  • An e-recipe book will be curated from all the recipes and will be provided to all the participants.
  • Recipes will be selected and winners will be called to DFRL, Mysore for preparation of dishes for the final round.
  • Top five teams will be selected by judges at DRDO-DFRL and awarded.

Registration Deadline

The last date of registration is June 25, 2023.


Email: dfrl[dot]mrc[at]gmail[dot]com

Recipe submission format


  • S. Ganga devi
    June 16, 2023


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