Chemist – Vijayraj Oil Industries Pvt Ltd

  • Company: Vijayraj Oil Industries Pvt Ltd
  • Position: Chemist
  • Experience: 3-4 years in Edible Oil
  • Qualifications:BTech Food Technology, BSc Food Science, BSc Chemistry
  • Number of Openings: 1
  • Location: Beed
  • CTC: As per Company norms

Job Description:

Vijayraj Oil Industries Pvt Ltd is seeking a Chemist with 3-4 years of experience in the field of Edible Oil. As a Chemist, you will play a crucial role in our quality control and assurance processes. You will be responsible for ensuring the safety, quality, and compliance of our edible oil products.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Conduct quality control tests on edible oil products.
  • Analyze and interpret test results.
  • Maintain accurate records of all tests and findings.
  • Collaborate with the production team to ensure product quality.
  • Stay updated on industry standards and regulations.

Qualifications and Requirements:

  • BTech in Food Technology or related field.
  • BSc in Food Science or Chemistry.
  • 3-4 years of experience in the edible oil industry.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Excellent attention to detail.
  • Knowledge of quality control standards and procedures.
  • If you are a qualified and experienced Chemist looking to join a dynamic team in the edible oil industry, we encourage you to apply.

Please submit your resume with the subject line “Application for Chemist Position – [Your Name]”.

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