Assistant Manager, Quality – Perfetti Van Melle

Perfetti Van Melle was established in March 2001 when Perfetti Spa acquired Van Melle, creating the world’s third largest global confectionery company. In 2006 Perfetti Van Melle acquired the Spanish company Chupa Chups.

Imagination, taste & passion

We are one of the world’s largest manufacturers and distributors of confectionery and chewing gum. We create imaginative products and brands that are enjoyed in over 150 countries.

Our vision

We will enhance our world leadership in confectionery by creating value for consumers through innovative and gratifying high-quality products.

Our mission

We at Perfetti Van Melle:

  • develop, manufacture and market high-quality and innovative products for our consumers through the efficient use of our resources and in collaboration with our business partners;
  • create a fulfilling workplace for our employees built on trust, mutual respect, and appreciation of their diversity;
  • value the role we play in our communities, as a socially and environmentally committed organization;
  • generate economic value through superior growth and profitability.

Continuous focus on these principles will lead us toward Our Vision.

Quality, innovation, market knowledge and consumer desires. These are the foundations on which Perfetti Van Melle has built its success over the years – a success that is still growing every day.

  • Post – Assistant Manager, Quality
  • Location – Manesar.
  • No. Of opening – 2
  • One in Quality and second in Central Quality.
  • Only for female candidates
  • Experience – 8-10 years
  • Qualifications – B. Sc/ M. Sc/ B. Tech/ M. Tech in Food science and technology or dairy technology

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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