Assistant Manager – MSL, Danonan

Danone’s commitment to bringing health through food is as old as the company itself. In 1919, Isaac Carasso began making yogurt to help children with intestinal infections, using cultures from the Pasteur Institute. In the 1920s, he sold his first yogurts in Barcelona pharmacies before expanding into grocery stores.

Even prior to this, in the late 1890’s, Nutricia – which joined forces with Danone in 2007 – was pioneering discoveries that have transformed people’s lives around the world.

For a century, we’ve been faithful to his original purpose, selling healthy, delicious products tailored to the nutritional needs and eating habits of our consumers.

Essential Dairy and Plant-Based Products, Waters, Early Life Nutrition and Medical Nutrition–all of our ranges share the same goal: offering innovative, top-quality products that meet the expectations of consumers at every stage of life. And while our business is about nourishing people and helping them take care of their health, we never forget that it’s also about helping them live better lives and share their enjoyment with others.

Now more than ever, consumers are concerned with food. The revolution now underway is shaping how products are made and consumed, as well as our approach to preserving resources and protecting the environment.


Danone, One Planet. One Health

In 2017, Danone unveiled a refreshed logo and its very first company signature: One Planet. One Health. These words reflect our vision that the health of people and the health of the planet are interconnected.

It is a call to action for all consumers and everyone who has a stake in food to join the food revolution: a movement aimed at nurturing the adoption of healthier, more sustainable eating and drinking habits.


Job Summary

This is a regional role, and the success of this role is dependent on working with teams & Healthcare professionals, attention to detail, the ability to plan, organize & deliver on commitments and demonstrate resilience under pressure

Roles and Responsibilities :

Strategic Stakeholder

• Develop a complete understanding of regional experts in specialised nutrition,
• KOL engagement through criteria-based selection and validation
• Plan & manage routine contacts with KOls/ Speakers for scientific briefings, sounding boards, advisory board support (through face to face, telephonic and virtual contacts) & liaise between KOLs and internal partners

Internal & External Education

• Deliver scientific exchange on specific concepts including presentations to external & internal stakeholders
• Deliver timely, accurate, specific and balanced responses to professional requests for information in collaboration with medical team
• Lead journal reviews and team discussions

Commercial Planning

• Work field-based, supporting regional nutrition managers, and liaising with field-based colleagues in the region
• Work on execution of scientific and communication strategy through planning, organizing of engagements RTM, CME, workshops etc by adhering to internal compliance processes
• Manage local scientific projects (evidence generation, medical education) for identified nutrition categories
• Prepare travel plan and arrive on budgets for the same.

Key Evidences for assessment:

• Managing key thought leader relationships at local & regional level.
• Delivery of educational programs and communication of value proposition to key stakeholders
• Answering questions from Healthcare providers on specialized nutrition

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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