Senior Food Technologist – Have Good

About us

Our mission is to revolutionize the food industry by delivering unparalleled, sustainable food experiences that enhance both people’s lives and the health of the planet.

We are unwavering in our commitment to sourcing only the finest ingredients, utilizing cutting-edge processing techniques, and delivering our offerings with the utmost care and transparency.

Our ultimate goal is to empower our customers to make informed, responsible food choices while elevating their daily meals to a new level of excellence.

Job description


Senior Food Technologist will be fully responsible for

• Exploring various food products that can be formulated using a given base (the raw material – be it a fruit, a vegetable, a grain, a nut, or a dairy item)
• Pitching the ideas to the rest of the management team and getting a buy-in for the products
• Prioritizing the products selected and coming up with a detailed plan to develop them

• Developing the samples of the products independently or by collaborating with reputed 3rd parties (as needed) – copackers, flavoring companies and such
• Gathering frank and detailed product feedback from Sales & Marketing team and also from any other sources which would help in refining the products
o Recruiting taste testers on a need basis to gather quality feedback on products
o Getting the product-market-fit by tweaking the products as necessary

• Working with copackers or in-house production managers to develop processes to help in mass production of the finalized products
• Being forward looking and understanding the market trends and accordingly guide the product development and the use of technology
• Setting up robust processes for interaction with the Sales & Marketing team

• Interacting with the COO’s office to coordinate with all the outside parties involved in the project development, logistics, and such
• Working with reputed labs to get the products tested
• Developing proper work flow management with a clear understanding of the Company’s priorities


Ideal candidate has

• Should have a Master’s degree or PhD in Food Technology from a reputed institute
• 7-10 years of hands-on product development experience across multiple food verticals – fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and dairy products

• At least 3 years of experience “building” and “leading” a product development team
• Familiarity with BRCGS standards would be helpful
• Experience in retort packing techniques, vacuum packing, etc. to extend shelf life would be beneficial

• Should be very thorough in his/her approach towards product development, recording the steps, managing the team/vendors, etc.
• Proficiency in Microsoft Excel and Power Point is a must
• Data oriented versus going by the gut
• Hard task master, full of energy who has a great sense of urgency to get things done is a must
• Should be highly self-motivated and require less/no supervision

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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🖥 Food Safety Training programs

📈 Food Entrepreneurs & Startups (Our services)

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