Research Analyst- Sugar, Dairy and alcoholic beverages, CRISIL

CRISIL is a leading, agile and innovative global analytics company driven by its mission of making markets function better.

We are India’s foremost provider of ratings, data, research, analytics, and solutions. A strong track record of growth, culture of innovation and global footprint sets us apart. We have delivered independent opinions, actionable insights, and efficient solutions to over 100,000 customers. Our businesses operate from India, the United States (US), the United Kingdom (UK), Argentina, Poland, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

We are majority owned by S&P Global Inc., a leading provider of transparent and independent ratings, benchmarks, analytics, and data to the capital and commodity markets worldwide.

Who we serve

Our clients range from micro, small and medium companies to large corporates, investors, and top global financial institutions. We work with commercial and investment banks, insurance companies, private equity players and asset management companies globally.

We also work with governments and policy makers in the infrastructure space in India and in other emerging markets.

How we add value

Our analyses, insights and solutions help lenders, borrowers, issuers, investors, regulators and intermediaries make sound decisions. We help clients manage and mitigate risks, take pricing and valuation decisions, reduce time to market, generate more revenue and enhance returns.

By helping shape public policy on infrastructure in emerging markets, CRISIL helps catalyse economic growth and development in these geographies.


To be a leading agile and innovative, global analytics company.


To make markets function better by providing independent opinions, actionable insights and efficient solutions.

Job Title: Research Analyst

Experience-1 to 5 years

Educational Qualification Criteria-Post Graduate 

The job responsibilities will be: 

1.    Enhancing current coverage on the research of Sugar, Dairy and alcoholic beverages (current coverage revolves around assessing market size, demand sentiment, raw material trends, industry dynamics, profitability, Financial profile and strategies followed by key players)
2.    Primary & secondary research, assessment and analysis of market data and trends along with preparation of reports and presentations
3.    Interaction with clients in terms of Knowledge sharing sessions and other presentations.
4.    This role will involve interactions with multiple stakeholder across the value chain in addition to interaction with clients
5.    Have a keen eye to understand industry trends, strategies of key players and ability to forecast future trends
6.    Have an entrepreneurial bent of mind and drive new products in the consumption domain.
7.    It is preferable if the candidate has a basic understanding of the food and beverage sector in India 

  • Mandatory Skills – Industry research , research analysis, agri commodities
  • Location – Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Education PGDM- Agri business
  • Experience 1 to 4 Years

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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