Quality Executive – Toyo Kombucha

About Us

TOYO is the perfect fit for people looking for good health but no compromise on taste.

In today’s fast-paced technology-driven world, tangled in our hectic schedules, constantly stressed with work, we often do not get the time to take good care of our health. In the long run, such negligence towards health might be the root cause of fatal diseases.

What if you could make a small change in your daily routine to avoid the fatal perils of health negligence? What if you could incorporate an all-encompassing healthy drink in your daily diet that substantially enhances your health quotient?

But wait, is there such a drink? Yes! Here’s where TOYO seeps into your daily diet with an exciting new taste.

TOYO Kombucha, manufactured with all-natural ingredients, sanspreservatives perfectly serves you and your health! Kombucha, owing to its marvelous health benefits, is already quite popular in the west.

Here’s why choosing TOYO level up your health:
1. Replaces your consumption of sugary sodas with a healthier and a tastier
2. Makes up for the lack of good bacteria in your daily diet and ensures a
healthy gut!
3. Helps your digestive system with its probiotics
4. Strengthens your immune system with its anti-oxidants
5. Boosts energy with enzymes and B vitamins

Position – Quality Executive

Experience – 1 or 2 years in Carbonated Soft Drink- Beverage Industry 

Qualification – B.Tech or MSc Food Technology

Company Name – k95 Foods Pvt Ltd, Delhi

Location – MIE Industrial Area, Bahadurgarh, Haryana

Roles & Responsibilities:

•                 Developing and executing test plans to ensure that all objectives are met.

•                 Implementing and monitoring test procedures to assess functionality, reliability, performance, and quality of the service or product.

•                 Testing products, fulfilling the quality standards of an organization

•                 Prepare reports on each test performed for measuring quality, quantity, and composition

•                 Assist in setting quality standards and ensure that production is maintained at such standards.

•                 Keep records of all tests that have been carried out

•                 Perform quality control analysis, including tests and inspections of products and processes

•                 Ensure quality control of raw materials and finished products  

•                 Maintain the product quality manual and quality records


  • Leadership, Team Management, Food Safety
  • Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
  • Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
  • Food Safety Management System.

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🔬👩‍🎓 Join Food safety Training Programs (Online/Offline)

🖥️ Level 1 training
🔗 https://bit.ly/3tRtUec

🖥️ Level 3 – Internal Auditor training
🔗 https://bit.ly/3RARhSG

🖥️ FSSAI FOSTAC training
🔗 https://bit.ly/3xAB74x

🖥️ Internship program
🔗 foodtechnetwork.in/7361/

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