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Q. ________ a collection of standards, guidelines and codes of practice adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission

Q. Formula for KMS

Q. Full Form of FSSAI

Q. HACCP has defined CCP as:

Q. The Third Party Audit is

Q. Smoked food uses two food preservation methods. They are

Q. Match the following items in Group I and Group II in relation to permitted food additives / preservatives in India

Q. According to FSSA class I preservatives are _______________

Q. Which one is used to stabilize an emulsion

Q. Bixin is used as colorant in

Q. Statement 1: Advanced Oxidation Processes convert non-biodegradable organic materials into biodegradable organic forms. Statement 2: Advanced Oxidation Processes are non-environmental friendly.

Q. The recommended minimum temperature for home freezer storage is

Q. Cereals are a major source of carbohydrates.

Q. Anticaking agents are

Q. Food Safety and Standard Act was passed on

Q. Color additives prior sanctioned food ingredients by

Q. ISO stands for_______

Q. Sodium bicarbonate is a

Q. How many principles are in HACCP

Q. The full form of IUU fishing is

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