Process technologist – Arboreal

Arboreal was originally conceived as a student entrepreneurship project as part of the Climate – KIC CLJ (Contextual Learning Journey) program of the European Union (EIT) in 2011. Arboreal went on to win the public vote at the Venture Capital Competition at Imperial College London at the end of the program and was awarded a grant from the Greenhouse Foundation and a 5000 EUR cheque from Prof. Cramer.

The original idea of Arboreal evolved over time and it was formally incorporated into a company in 2014 when Swati Pandey (IIT, Imperial College London) and Manish Chauhan (BITS Pilani, London Business School) chose to return to India from London and Singapore with the vision to create a world-class plant biotechnology platform out of India to deliver highest quality natural extracts to the world from India. Stevia is the new generation 100% natural, zero-calorie sweetener that comes from a plant source and is fast replacing Sugar and other Artificial Sweeteners in over Food & Beverage products globally.

Arboreal combines advanced scientific R&D with traceable, scalable and sustainable supply chain of Stevia to deliver great-tasting applications that are loved and desired by calorie-conscious consumers. Arboreal is the only company out of India that has an integrated value chain approach to Stevia and is able to deliver quality and consistency on Scale. From cultivation to extraction, to refining to formulations and marketing – we curate every step of the Stevia value chain to deliver unmatched quality to our customers and consumers.

We take pride in our ‘no cutting corners’ approach to deliver quality Stevia based ingredients and experiences to millions of consumers globally. We are passionate about Stevia and it has taken us over 4.5 years of single-minded focus and commitment to reach commercial production of Stevia extracts in 2019.

About Arboreal Stevia

  • We are an award-winning plant biotechnology company focused on delivering the best quality natural extracts and bionutritional solutions for the world from India
  • We are a vertically integrated industrial-scale producer of premium quality Stevia leaf, extracts and formulations
  • We offer application support to FMCG, Food & Beverage companies looking to reformulate their existing product recipes or develop recipes for new product launches
  • We are pioneers in the Stevia space globally. Our complete control on every aspect of the production process and our proprietary interventions on each step of the value chain enable us to deliver unmatched quality and standardisation in our products

Process technologist

Company – Arboreal Bioinnovations Pvt Ltd

Job Location – Lucknow

About the role

  • Provide an interface to the Production Manager with respect to product innovation.
  • Responsible for Process scale-up and Technology transfer for existing and new products
  • Ensure the technological production process optimization at all levels of production cycle.

Who are we looking for

  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in food technology with 1- 3 years of FMCG experience preferably Production background
  • Proficient in improvement practices in Process Technology
  • Good in Analytical skills, problem-solving skills, Data Analysis, Excel, Communication and Presentation Skills. If this position interests you share your CV to

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