France Becomes The First EU Country To Ban Plant-Based Meat, ‘Burger’ Escapes The Ban

Plant-based meat banned in France

If you are a vegan, then this news might shock you! Apparently, France has joined the likes of countries which has banned plant-based meat to be marketed as “steak, chicken, bacon, and sausage”. While the ‘burger’ word has been skipped in the ban people will still be able to get vegan burgers around the country.

The sale of all such products will get banned from October 2022. This move by the French govt. will supposedly prevent ‘consumer confusion’ as meat analogues become more realistic. Also, this new rule is supported by the French meat industry in order to protect the advertising property of French meat.

France has become the first European Union (EU) member to impose this ban on ‘meatless meat’.

What is ‘meatless meat’?

This term specifically means plant-based meat that has been produced or manufactured using vegan sources like soy, mushroom, peas, mung beans, wheat gluten, rice, and coconut oil. The base of meatless meat is made with all such ingredients. To give these ‘vegan meats’ a real meaty flavour, more non-animal ingredients like oils, cellulose & starch are added while processing to give them a juicy texture and a great thickness.

How will this ban impact the market?

This is an exclusive ban to the French producers only which means that the retailers and food service providers can still buy imported plant-based foods using these terms. This new ban by the French govt. will surely impact the economic development of the plant-based sectors.

Is ‘meatless meat’ better for the environment?

In reality, plant-based proteins generate significantly less greenhouse gas as compared to their meat equivalents, and many consumers like them because they’re better for the environment.

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