Microbiologist & Production executive – Bakers Global

About Us

A team of dedicated & enthusiastic professionals with a diverse and global background who bring to your doorstep the ‘goodness of taste’!

With a wide range of exquisite, ready-to-use bakery delicacies, we’re your one stop shop!

We work our unparalleled magic on all bakery items imaginable! We offer you exceptional products for your bakeshop, restaurants and businesses.

Our automated factories and tracked supply chain ensure that we have what you are looking for.

Urgent requirement for FMCG company Kashipur

1. Microbiologist

  • Microbilogist Executive
  • Experience – upto 3 yrs
  • Qualification – B.Sc/m.sc/Food tech/biotech
  • salary -Upto 28k ctc
  • should be good knowledge of Microbiologist.

2- Production executive

  • Qualification -B.sc/M.sc.food tech/food science
  • experience -up to 2 years minimum
  • salary -Upto 25 k ctc
  • Only for FMCG candidates.

Interested candidates/References candidates can be share resume

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

📲 Foodtech Network WhatsApp Jobs Group
🔗 WhatsApp Groups
🖥 Food Safety Training programs
🔗 https://bit.ly/3fbjKRz
📈 Food Entrepreneurs & Startups (Our services)
🔗 https://bit.ly/3JDyPIN

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