Lab chemist & Sr Quality executive – Poddar-G Foods


We at Poddar-G Foods believe in quality and service. We have managed to carve a niche for ourselves in the food industry by continuously delivering for more than two and a half decade now. We have a state-of-the-art food manufacturing and distribution chain working day and night in developing and manufacturing food ingredients and blended seasonings for the food processing industry and to cater to the needs of our customer.

We have established a multifaceted infrastructure in Delhi at Samaypur Badli and Bawana. Armed with all the requisite amenities, our infrastructure sprawls over a large plot area. Within our premises, we have set up an ultra-modern processing facility, which is manned by our team of experts. Owing to the presence of cutting edge technology, this facility ensures maximum resource utilization and minimum wastage of time. Besides, upgradation, maintenance of the machines is undertaken on a regular basis, so as to ensure that our productivity continues without any hindrance. These factors enable us to meet the bulk orders of our clients within the agreed deadlines.

Poddar Foods Pvt Ltd.

Location: Nathupur (Sonipat)

1. Lab Chemist

  • Qualifications – Btech/ Mtech/ Bsc /Msc in food technology, Dairy tech, Chemistry etc
  • Exp. 1-2 years
  • Skills: Knowledge of Lab testings like – Moisture,Salt , Acidity, Ash

2. Sr. Quality Executive

  • Qualifications – Btech/ Mtech/ Bsc /Msc in food technology, Dairy tech, Chemistry etc
  • Experience -4 years min.
  • Skills: Good Knowledge of Audit Documentation
  • Handling of Audits

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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