Jobs opening – Ariba Foods Pvt. Ltd.


When We Blend the Core ingredients of passion & Care into read-to-cook foods, All you Can Expect is Just made at Home Experience. With its State -of-the-art, plant, Ariba Foods Pvt Ltd, Brings a wide Range of Delicious foods with the Promise of healthy ingredients in homely flavor’s. We Make Cooking Simpler with “READY-IN-FEW MINUTES”. Array of Worldly Snacks , Indian Flat Breads , Curries & Sweets , South Indian & Rice Delights and Varied International Cuisines Freezing is our Tool For Locking The freshness & Nutrition into the foods we make.

Greetings from Ariba Foods Pvt. Ltd.!!!

We are urgently looking for the following positions for our frozen food manufacturing unit in Ujjain (M.P.) location-

1. Packing In-charge
Experience- 5-7 Years with the same/relevant Industry.

2. Packaging Design and Development Executive / Sr. Executive
Experience- 5-7 Years designing experience with packaging industry/ Food industry (need experience with Coral Draw, Photoshop or similar software).

3. QA & QC Manager
Experience- min 8-10 Years experience with the Frozen food manufacturing industry.

4. Export Manager
Experience- min 8-10 years with relevant industry.

5. NPD/ R&D Chef
Experience- Min 8-10 years with any food/ frozen food manufacturing industry.

Salary will be depends upon interviews.

👉 Join Online Classes for FSSAI technical office, Food analyst and Food safety officer exam preparation

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

📲 Foodtech Network WhatsApp Jobs Group
🔗 WhatsApp Groups
📈 Food Entrepreneurs & Startups (Our services)

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