Internship – UVR Natural foods



UVR NATURAL FOODS under its brand name ‘OLD TOUCH’ is engaged in the manufacturing of Spices, Ready-to-eat & Frozen Foods. Our manufacturing facility is spread over 1,00,000 sq.ft wherein we have adopted European and Japanese technology. We have a strong presence in both domestic as well as international market.

We are exporting to Japan, UK, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, Spain, Australia, Singapore and South Africa. We are currently manufacturing the following products under our domestic brand as well as for private labelling (domestic & international):- 1. Spices (Blended, Whole & Ground) 2. Seasonings 3. Ready to Eat 4. Ready to Cook 5. Frozen Food Products

  • Position- Trainee for Internship
    Organization- UVR Natural foods
  • Location – Sonipat Rai,
  • Requirement – 1male & 1 female candidate
  • Department- QA & Production

Candidate must be a resident of Delhi NCR region.
Suitable candidate can share their CV
Last date to apply- 30 July 2023

Only selected candidate will get a confirmation call from the Organization.

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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