For Freshers, Opening – ADF Foods Ltd

Our wide range of ethnic foods, include Indian, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean and other global cuisines. Our products are suited to, and serve, a vast number of geographies. We reach out to consumers everywhere with our unparalleled network of 180+ distributors spread across 55 countries. From masala pastes to meatless meatballs; parathas to pickles, we are passionate about feeding the world, and have something for everyone. A USA subsidiary that deals in Mexican & plant based foods, agency distribution etc.

We started small, as most companies do, selling specialty dried fruits out of a small retail outlet in the Flora Fountain also known as ‘Hutatma Chowk’ located at Mumbai in the 1960s. Over the next 9 decades, we built sophisticated manufacturing units and distribution networks, expanded into dozens of categories, launched 8 different brands, and are now one of the biggest food processing companies globally. We are proudly serving 55 countries with our range of 400+ products.

Everything the ADF family does revolves around food – how best to make it, how to source the choicest ingredients, how to get the flavours just right – and then, how to get it into the kitchens of people like you, who love food just as much as we do. As experienced food manufacturers, we ensure that the products you buy from us are of highest quality.

To put it simply – we love food. We love eating food. We just love thinking about food. We love food of all flavours, colours, textures and varieties. There’s something special that happens to food, when you blend it with the right ingredients. At ADF, we try our best to infuse the right flavours to make our products delectable. It is with this thought that we embarked on a culinary journey to chronicle a world of authentic foods. As food manufacturers, we commit to using the best ingredients, best technology and best practices to bring you delicious products that you can trust.

ADF’s reputation is built upon the highest ethical business and safety standards. All ADF employees – from top management to our attendants on the shopfloor – work on behalf of the company with honesty, integrity and fairness. We are an equal opportunity employer.


  • Position – Microbiologist
  • Opening -1
  • Qualification – Bsc/Btech in Food tech, Chemistry, Microbiology, etc
  • Experience – Freshers can apply
  • Location – Nadiad

  • Position – Production Supervisor
  • Opening -1
  • Qualification – Bsc/Btech in Food tech, Chemistry, Microbiology, etc
  • Experience – Freshers can apply
  • Location – Nadiad

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