For Freshers, Food technologist – Marksans Pharma

Marksans Pharma is at the forefront of the pharmaceutical industry, distinguished by a customer-centric approach. Specializing in Over-the-Counter (OTC) and prescription drugs, we have cultivated a strong presence in highly regulated markets.

Leveraging robust Research and Development (R&D) capabilities and advanced manufacturing facilities both domestically and internationally, we are among the top five Indian Companies in the United Kingdom. Our strategic emphasis on optimizing supply chain efficiencies has facilitated substantial business expansion across key global markets. Our high-quality and expansive portfolio has led to a growing foothold in the USA as well.

Headquartered in Mumbai, we have built a robust global footprint, actively operating in over 50 countries worldwide. Our integrated business approach, supported by a talented workforce, positions us for sustained long-term growth with a focus on value creation.

Becoming a part of the Marksans Pharma team means becoming a part of a vibrant and dynamic community. Our commitment to fostering a positive work environment is reflected at every stage of the company’s operations.

Further your talent and passion for meaningful positive change at Marksans Pharma. We welcome talented individuals to join us on a journey of professional growth, innovation, and meaningful impact. As a leading pharmaceutical company, we believe in the power of our people to drive success and make a positive difference.

  • Post – Food technologist
  • Post – 1
  • Qualification – Food science and technology, Food nutrition will preferred.
  • Experience – Freshers can apply

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