Food Technologist – Wellversed

Food technologist for the role of Research and Development is required at Wellversed Health for the specific purpose of researching and developing new products and creating food product compositions that work in an industrial process.


The person should be able to plan the manufacturing of food and drink products and will work in a production plant setting. Specific responsibilities vary greatly but will include:

  1. Generating new product ideas and recipes
  2. Study methods to improve the quality of foods – flavor, color, texture, nutritional value
  3. Ingredients research
  4. Competitive products analysis
  5. Modifying and improving existing recipes
  6. Understanding customer expectations on to-be manufactured products.
  7. Designing processes and machinery for the production of recipes on a large scale
  8. Ensuring that strict hygiene food safety standards are met
  9. Identifying and choosing products from suppliers
  10. Monitoring the use of additives
  11. Testing and examining samples
  12. Documentation & Report Writing


  1. 3+ years experience in Food Research & Development
  2. MS office – excel/Google Sheets importantly.
  3. A strong sense of creativity aids in the process of thinking of new product ideas and solving problems creatively.
  4. Great problem-solving skills.
  5. Ability to multitask efficiently and good at managing time.

About Wellversed:

Wellversed is a marketplace with specific diet regimes enabling wellness journeys of millions of Indians. It is a simple, one-stop solution for wellness brands to reach the right consumers and quickly scale across eCommerce sales channels.

Wellversed was founded in 2018 by Stanford Biodesign Alumni and is backed by seasoned investors like the legendary cricketer Yuvraj Singh and Jubilant Foodworks.

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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