Food Law and Regulation, Quiz – 13

Q. HACCP defined as codex

  • Identifies and evaluates the hazards
  • Identifies and controls hazards
  • Identifies, evaluates, and controls hazards
  • Identifies and controls hazards after verification

Answer: c)

HACCP: A system which identifies, evaluates, and controls hazards which are significant for food safety. HACCP plan: A document prepared in accordance with the principles of HACCP to ensure control of hazards which are significant for food safety in the segment of the food chain under consideration.

Q. The efficacy of HACCP system relies on

  • Management
  • Employee
  • Management & employee
  • Lead auditor

Answer: c)

The efficacy of HACCP system relies on management and employee

Q. Which of these is true

  • Critical control point need to be monitored
  • Critical limit is set for CCP to keep in check
  • Corrective action to be taken at time of any non-conformance
  • All of the above

Answer: d)

Formal HACCP Seven Steps

  • Conduct a hazardous analysis. …
  • Determine Critical Control Points (CCP’s) …
  • Establish Critical Limits. …
  • Establish Monitoring Procedures. …
  • Establish Corrective Actions. …
  • Establish verification procedures. …
  • Establish record-keeping and documentation procedures.

Q. Which of these is a Prerequisite program

  • Validation
  • GMP & GHP
  • Codex

Answer: b)

Prerequisite programs are steps or procedures, including GMPs and SSOPs, which control the operational conditions within a food establishment and promote environmental conditions that are favorable for the production of safe food. Prerequisite programs are the foundation of a Food Safety/HACCP system.

Q. ISO stands for

  • International standard of organization
  • Indian stand of organization
  • International organization for standardization
  • Indian organization of standard

Answer: c)

International Organization for Standardization


  • Vamsi krishna
    May 23, 2022

    I is very useful

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