Food Law and Regulation Quiz – 20

Welcome to your FR 20

Q. Government of India promulgated an order to enforce strict quality control on the production and processing of meat food products, under

Q. Meat food products order contains _______________ number of schedules

Q. Low sodium product should contain less than ____________ mg or less sodium per serving

Q. Sodium free product should contain less _____________ mg of sodium per serving

Q. Sugar free product should contain:

Food Law and Regulation Quiz – 20, Submit your answers and visit page no 2


  • mousumi roy
    May 30, 2022


  • Nikita balasaheb dherange
    May 30, 2022

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  • Nikita balasaheb dherange
    May 30, 2022

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  • Deepjyoti Maji
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  • Komal Mishra
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